The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič, for Old Calendar date January 09, and New Calendar date January 22 .

The Armenian city of Melitene was drenched with the blood of Christians as was the entire country of Armenia. The first blood shed for Christ in this city was that of Saint Polyeuctus in the year 259 A.D. during the reign of Valerian. In this city [Melitene] were two friends: both Nearchus and Polyeuctus were officers, Nearchus baptized and Polyeuctus unbaptized. When the command of the emperor was sent out concerning the persecution of the Christians, Nearchus prepared for death; but he was in great sorrow because he had not succeeded in converting his friend Polyeuctus to the True Faith. When Polyeuctus learned of the reason for Nearchus' sorrow, he promised to embrace the Faith. The following day Polyeuctus related his dream to Nearchus: the Lord Himself appeared to him in light, removed Polyeuctus' old clothes from him and dressed him in radiant new clothes and sat him in the saddle of a winged horse. After this, Polyeuctus went to town, shredded the emperor's decree concerning the torturing of Christians, and destroyed many statues of the idols. He was tortured and was condemned to death. When he was brought to the place of execution, he looked at Nearchus in the throng of people and joyfully cried out to him: "Save yourself my dear friend! Remember the vow of love confirmed between the two of us!" Later, Saint Nearchus died as a martyr for Christ by fire. The commemoration of the feast of St. Nearchus is April 22.
Eustratius was a native of Tarsus. He was a great ascetic and a man of prayer. During the seventy-five years he spent in the monastery, Eustratius never laid down to sleep on his left side but always on his right side. Throughout the Divine Services, from the beginning to the end, he repeated to himself: "Lord have mercy!" He died in his ninety-fifth year.
Philip was born February 11, 1507 A.D. Once, while standing in church as a young boy, he heard the priest read from the Gospel: "No one can serve two masters" (St. Matthew 6:24). He became very frightened by these words, as though these words were exclusively spoken to him and at that same time became enlightened by them. He then withdrew to the Solovetsk Monastery where he, after a long and difficult period of probation [Novitiate], was tonsured a monk. In time, Philip became the abbot and shone as the sun and the whole of Russia heard of him. Hence, Emperor Ivan the Terrible summoned Philip to fill the vacant Metropolitan See of Moscow in the year 1566 A.D. However, this holy man could not endure with indifference the awful atrocities of the terrible tsar and, therefore, counseled him and rebuked him without fear. The tsar found some false witnesses against Philip, ousted him from office, and ordered that he be dressed in a simple and tattered monastic cassock and imprisoned him in Tver on December 23, 1569 A.D. Malyuta Skuratov, one of the tsar's confidants, came to Philip's cell and suffocated him with a pillow. Shortly afterwards, all those who were opposed to Philip died evil deaths. After several years, the body of the saint discovered whole, incorrupt, and fragrant, was translated to the Monastery of Solovetsk.
Nearchus and Polyeuctus, soldiers of Caesar,
Became soldiers of the Heavenly King,
One baptized with water, the other by his blood,
The second surpassed the other and became the first.
Oh, blessed be this competition,
This heroic rushing to Christ's' kingdom!
Polyeuctus rejected all by which the earth spoils
Everything, as a wind that comes; as the wind, passes,
And for these urgent sufferings, purchased the everlasting kingdom;
This trade, for him, turned out radiant:
For eternal life, let the grass be mowed!
For transitory suffering, eternal glory!
Pray for us, O soldier of Christ,
That, not one of your souls perish!
The Orthodox Church by teaching men about perfect love, at the same time, also teaches them perfect obedience from which emanates order and harmony among the faithful. Bishops owe their obedience to the Lord. Priests owe their obedience to the bishops. The faithful owe their obedience to both [bishops and priests]. St. Ignatius writes about this: "You are required to obey without hypocrisy; he who would deceive his visible bishop would also scorn the Invisible [Christ]. I pray you, endeavor to fulfill everything in godly unanimity under the presidency of the bishops who occupy the place of Christ and the presbyters who constitute the assembly of the apostles, not thinking that whatever you do alone and apart would be correct."
To contemplate all the virtues in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ:
1. How every virtue in Him is complete and perfect as in no other in the history of the world;
2. How everything is wonderfully complimented, one in the other is developed and one in the other is made radiant.
About the concern for the salvation of our neighbors
"No one should seek his own advantage, but that of his neighbor" (I Corinthians 10:24).
This is the principle of the saints of God, both now, at one time, always and forever. This is the principle on which society is built. Upon this principle can be established the most perfect, the most God-pleasing and the most prosperous human society. This is the saving principle for every type of difficulty with which contemporary men struggle, struggle without victory and without hope. The holy soul is concerned with where the homeless will spend the night, how the hungry will be fed, how the naked will be clothed. The soul is concerned and prays to God that their neighbors be saved; that their hearts be filled with love toward God; that their minds be directed toward God; that the wicked turn from the path of wickedness; that those wavering in the Faith be strengthened; that those who are strengthened be sustained; that those who have died see the Face of God; that the living be written in the Book of Life in the Kingdom of Light.
Therefore, be careful brethren, how even in like manner, word for word, can sound the destructive and antisocial principle of the devil. This principle of the devil says: no one should look at their own body to preserve it in purity from sin, but rather everyone should look at the bodies of others in order to ruin and to destroy them. That no one should look at his own soul, how to save it, rather everyone should look at the soul of someone else in order to blacken it, to curse it, to impoverish it and to destroy it. Let no one look at his house, in order to build it, and renew it rather let everyone look at the home of another in order to burn it and demolish it. No one should look at his granaries in order to fill them, rather, one should look at the granaries of others in order to steal from them and to empty them. See, brethren, how this principle can be either a principle of good or a principle of evil; a sharp two-edged sword; an angel or Satan. See how this principle in the satanic spirit and form has taken momentum on all sides today!
O Lord, Holy Spirit, Who has released these holy words in the world through the tongue of the apostle of God as bright rays of the sun to illuminate and not to burn us, help us now to fulfill them in the proper heavenly sense to the glory of the Triune God and for the salvation of our souls.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.

The Armenian city of Melitene was drenched with the blood of Christians as was the entire country of Armenia. The first blood shed for Christ in this city was that of Saint Polyeuctus in the year 259 A.D. during the reign of Valerian. In this city [Melitene] were two friends: both Nearchus and Polyeuctus were officers, Nearchus baptized and Polyeuctus unbaptized. When the command of the emperor was sent out concerning the persecution of the Christians, Nearchus prepared for death; but he was in great sorrow because he had not succeeded in converting his friend Polyeuctus to the True Faith. When Polyeuctus learned of the reason for Nearchus' sorrow, he promised to embrace the Faith. The following day Polyeuctus related his dream to Nearchus: the Lord Himself appeared to him in light, removed Polyeuctus' old clothes from him and dressed him in radiant new clothes and sat him in the saddle of a winged horse. After this, Polyeuctus went to town, shredded the emperor's decree concerning the torturing of Christians, and destroyed many statues of the idols. He was tortured and was condemned to death. When he was brought to the place of execution, he looked at Nearchus in the throng of people and joyfully cried out to him: "Save yourself my dear friend! Remember the vow of love confirmed between the two of us!" Later, Saint Nearchus died as a martyr for Christ by fire. The commemoration of the feast of St. Nearchus is April 22.
Eustratius was a native of Tarsus. He was a great ascetic and a man of prayer. During the seventy-five years he spent in the monastery, Eustratius never laid down to sleep on his left side but always on his right side. Throughout the Divine Services, from the beginning to the end, he repeated to himself: "Lord have mercy!" He died in his ninety-fifth year.
Philip was born February 11, 1507 A.D. Once, while standing in church as a young boy, he heard the priest read from the Gospel: "No one can serve two masters" (St. Matthew 6:24). He became very frightened by these words, as though these words were exclusively spoken to him and at that same time became enlightened by them. He then withdrew to the Solovetsk Monastery where he, after a long and difficult period of probation [Novitiate], was tonsured a monk. In time, Philip became the abbot and shone as the sun and the whole of Russia heard of him. Hence, Emperor Ivan the Terrible summoned Philip to fill the vacant Metropolitan See of Moscow in the year 1566 A.D. However, this holy man could not endure with indifference the awful atrocities of the terrible tsar and, therefore, counseled him and rebuked him without fear. The tsar found some false witnesses against Philip, ousted him from office, and ordered that he be dressed in a simple and tattered monastic cassock and imprisoned him in Tver on December 23, 1569 A.D. Malyuta Skuratov, one of the tsar's confidants, came to Philip's cell and suffocated him with a pillow. Shortly afterwards, all those who were opposed to Philip died evil deaths. After several years, the body of the saint discovered whole, incorrupt, and fragrant, was translated to the Monastery of Solovetsk.
Nearchus and Polyeuctus, soldiers of Caesar,
Became soldiers of the Heavenly King,
One baptized with water, the other by his blood,
The second surpassed the other and became the first.
Oh, blessed be this competition,
This heroic rushing to Christ's' kingdom!
Polyeuctus rejected all by which the earth spoils
Everything, as a wind that comes; as the wind, passes,
And for these urgent sufferings, purchased the everlasting kingdom;
This trade, for him, turned out radiant:
For eternal life, let the grass be mowed!
For transitory suffering, eternal glory!
Pray for us, O soldier of Christ,
That, not one of your souls perish!
The Orthodox Church by teaching men about perfect love, at the same time, also teaches them perfect obedience from which emanates order and harmony among the faithful. Bishops owe their obedience to the Lord. Priests owe their obedience to the bishops. The faithful owe their obedience to both [bishops and priests]. St. Ignatius writes about this: "You are required to obey without hypocrisy; he who would deceive his visible bishop would also scorn the Invisible [Christ]. I pray you, endeavor to fulfill everything in godly unanimity under the presidency of the bishops who occupy the place of Christ and the presbyters who constitute the assembly of the apostles, not thinking that whatever you do alone and apart would be correct."
To contemplate all the virtues in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ:
1. How every virtue in Him is complete and perfect as in no other in the history of the world;
2. How everything is wonderfully complimented, one in the other is developed and one in the other is made radiant.
About the concern for the salvation of our neighbors
"No one should seek his own advantage, but that of his neighbor" (I Corinthians 10:24).
This is the principle of the saints of God, both now, at one time, always and forever. This is the principle on which society is built. Upon this principle can be established the most perfect, the most God-pleasing and the most prosperous human society. This is the saving principle for every type of difficulty with which contemporary men struggle, struggle without victory and without hope. The holy soul is concerned with where the homeless will spend the night, how the hungry will be fed, how the naked will be clothed. The soul is concerned and prays to God that their neighbors be saved; that their hearts be filled with love toward God; that their minds be directed toward God; that the wicked turn from the path of wickedness; that those wavering in the Faith be strengthened; that those who are strengthened be sustained; that those who have died see the Face of God; that the living be written in the Book of Life in the Kingdom of Light.
Therefore, be careful brethren, how even in like manner, word for word, can sound the destructive and antisocial principle of the devil. This principle of the devil says: no one should look at their own body to preserve it in purity from sin, but rather everyone should look at the bodies of others in order to ruin and to destroy them. That no one should look at his own soul, how to save it, rather everyone should look at the soul of someone else in order to blacken it, to curse it, to impoverish it and to destroy it. Let no one look at his house, in order to build it, and renew it rather let everyone look at the home of another in order to burn it and demolish it. No one should look at his granaries in order to fill them, rather, one should look at the granaries of others in order to steal from them and to empty them. See, brethren, how this principle can be either a principle of good or a principle of evil; a sharp two-edged sword; an angel or Satan. See how this principle in the satanic spirit and form has taken momentum on all sides today!
O Lord, Holy Spirit, Who has released these holy words in the world through the tongue of the apostle of God as bright rays of the sun to illuminate and not to burn us, help us now to fulfill them in the proper heavenly sense to the glory of the Triune God and for the salvation of our souls.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.
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Охридски пролог
Свети Николај Велимировић Жички.
Охридски пролог
Свети Николај Велимировић Жички.
9. ЈАНУАР (стари) или 22. ЈАНУАР (нови календар)
1. Свети мученик Полиевкт. Град Мелитина јерменска много је наквашена крвљу хришћанском као и сва земља Јерменска. Но прва крв за Христу: та у овоме граду беше крв светог Полиевкта, просута око 259. године у време царовања Валеријанова. Беху у том граду два пријатеља официра: Неарх и Полиевкт. Неарх крштен, Полиевкт некрштен. Када изађе заповест царева о гоњењу хришћана, Неарх се припремаше за смрт но беше у великој тузи, што није успео да свога друга Полиевкта преведе у праву веру. Када Полиевкт сазна узрок туге Неархове, он обећа прећи у веру. Сутрадан исприча он Неарху свој сан: јавно му се беше сам Господ у светлости, скинуо с њега старо одело и обукао га у ново, пресјајно, и поставио га у седло крилатоме коњу. Затим Полиевкт оде у град, исцепа цареву заповест о мучењу хришћана и полупа многе идолске кипове. Би мучен и на смрт осуђен. Кад је изведен на губилиште угледа он Неарха у гомили света и радосно му викне: „Спасавај се, драги мој друже! Сети се завета љубави, међу нама утврђенога! И Неарх свети доцније сконча као мученик за Христа у огњу. Празнични му је спомен 22. априла.
2. Преподобни Евстратије. Од Тарса. Велики испосник и молитвеник. За 75 година у манастиру није легао на леву страну да спава но увек на десну. За време службе Божје од почетка до краја у себи говорио: Господи помилуј! Умро у својој 95. години.
3. Свети Филип, митрополит московски. Рођен 11. фебруара 1507. године. Стојећи једном као младић у цркви чу где свештеник чита из Јеванђеља: Нико не може два господара служити, и уплаши се од тих речи као да се то искључиво њему говори и просвети се у исто време, па се удаљи у Соловецки манастир, где се после дугог и тешког искушеништва замонаши. Поставши временом игуман, просија као сунце, и сва руска земља чу за њега. За то га цар Иван Грозни доведе на упражњено место митрополита московског 1566. године. Но не могаше свети човек гледати равнодушно грозоте грознога цара, него га саветоваше и неустрашиво изобличаваше. Цар нађе лажне сведоке против Филипа, збаци овога и нареди те га обуку у просту одрпану монашку расу, па га затвори у Тверу. 1569. године 23. децембра Маљута Скуратов, један повереник царев, дође у келију Филипову и удави га јастуком. Но ускоро злом смрћу свршише сви они који беху против Филипа. А после неколико година тело светитеља нађе се читаво, и неиструлело, и мирисно. и би пренето у Соловецки манастир.
Неарх и Полиевкт, војници Кесара.
Посташе војници Небескога Цара,
Један крштен водом, други својом крви,
Други првог мину и постаде први.
О блажено нек је ово надметање
И Христовом царству јуначко хитање!
Полиевект одбаци све чим земља мази,
Све што као ветар долази, пролази,
И за хитне муке купи царство трајно;
Трговина ова испаде му сјајно:
За бесмртан живот — нек се коси трава!
За пролазне муке — непролазна слава!
Помоли се за нас, о Христов воине,
Да ниједна душа од нас не погане!
Православна Црква учећи људе савршеној љубави учи их у исто време и савршеној послушности, из које проистиче ред и благостројност међу вернима. Епископи дугују послушност Господу, свештеници епископима, верни једним и другим. О томе пише свети Игњатије: „Ви сте дужни повиновати се без сваког лицемерства: онај ко би обмануо свог видљивог епископа, насмејао би се над Невидљивим... Молим вас, старајте се све извршивати у једнодушности Божјој под председништвом епископа, који заузимају место Бога, и презвитера, који састављају сабор апостола... не мислећи да би ма шта било правилно, што ви чините сами, одељеноо.”
Да созерцавам све добротељи у личности Господа Исуса Христа, и то:
1. како је свака добротељ у Њему потпуна и савршена као ни у коме другом у историји света;
2. како се све дивно допуњују, једна у другу залежући, и једна другу чинећи сјајнијом.
о бризи за спасење наших ближњих
Нико да не гледа што је његово, него сваки да гледа што је другога (Прва Коринћанима 10, 28)
То је начело светитеља Божјих, и сада и некада, од увек и до века. То је начело назидно и друштвено. На том начелу може се основати најсавршеније, најбогоугодније и најсрећније друштво људско. Спасоносно начело за сваку врсту тешкоћа, са којима се савремени људи боре, боре без победе н без наде. Света душа брине се о суседима својим, ближњим и даљњим; брине се где ће бездомни преноћити, како ће се гладни нахранити, чиме ли наги оденути? Брине се и моли се Богу, да се суседи њени спасу; да срце своје испуне љубављу према Богу; да ум свој управе к Богу; да се неваљали врате с пута неваљалства; да се колебљиви у вери утврде; да се утврђени одрже; да упокојени виде лице Божје; да живи буду уписани у Књигу Живих у царству светлости.
Но пазите, браћо, како исто тако од речи до речи може да гласи и начело ђаволско, разорно и недруштвено: нико да не гледа своје тело, како да га очува у чистоти од греха, него свак да гледа туђе тело, како да га оскврни и уништи. Нико да не гледа своју душу, како да је спасе, него свак да гледа на туђу душу како да је оцрни, оклевета, осиромаши, упропасти. Нико да не гледа свој дом, како да га сазида и обнови, него свак да гледа на дом туђи, како да га спали и поруши. Нико да не гледа своје житнице, како да их напуни, него свак да гледа туђе житнице, како да их покраде и испразни. Видите ли, браћо, како ово начело може да буде начело добра и начело зла; мач оштар с обе стране; ангел или сатана. Погледајте, како је ово начело, у сатанском духу и облику, данас узело маха на све стране!
О Господе Душе Свети, који си ове свете речи пустио у свет кроз језик апостола Божјег, као светле зраке сунчане, да нас обасјају а не да нас сагоре, помози нам, да их испунимо у правом смислу небесном, на славу Бога тројединога, а на спасење душа наших. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.
2. Преподобни Евстратије. Од Тарса. Велики испосник и молитвеник. За 75 година у манастиру није легао на леву страну да спава но увек на десну. За време службе Божје од почетка до краја у себи говорио: Господи помилуј! Умро у својој 95. години.
3. Свети Филип, митрополит московски. Рођен 11. фебруара 1507. године. Стојећи једном као младић у цркви чу где свештеник чита из Јеванђеља: Нико не може два господара служити, и уплаши се од тих речи као да се то искључиво њему говори и просвети се у исто време, па се удаљи у Соловецки манастир, где се после дугог и тешког искушеништва замонаши. Поставши временом игуман, просија као сунце, и сва руска земља чу за њега. За то га цар Иван Грозни доведе на упражњено место митрополита московског 1566. године. Но не могаше свети човек гледати равнодушно грозоте грознога цара, него га саветоваше и неустрашиво изобличаваше. Цар нађе лажне сведоке против Филипа, збаци овога и нареди те га обуку у просту одрпану монашку расу, па га затвори у Тверу. 1569. године 23. децембра Маљута Скуратов, један повереник царев, дође у келију Филипову и удави га јастуком. Но ускоро злом смрћу свршише сви они који беху против Филипа. А после неколико година тело светитеља нађе се читаво, и неиструлело, и мирисно. и би пренето у Соловецки манастир.
Неарх и Полиевкт, војници Кесара.
Посташе војници Небескога Цара,
Један крштен водом, други својом крви,
Други првог мину и постаде први.
О блажено нек је ово надметање
И Христовом царству јуначко хитање!
Полиевект одбаци све чим земља мази,
Све што као ветар долази, пролази,
И за хитне муке купи царство трајно;
Трговина ова испаде му сјајно:
За бесмртан живот — нек се коси трава!
За пролазне муке — непролазна слава!
Помоли се за нас, о Христов воине,
Да ниједна душа од нас не погане!
Православна Црква учећи људе савршеној љубави учи их у исто време и савршеној послушности, из које проистиче ред и благостројност међу вернима. Епископи дугују послушност Господу, свештеници епископима, верни једним и другим. О томе пише свети Игњатије: „Ви сте дужни повиновати се без сваког лицемерства: онај ко би обмануо свог видљивог епископа, насмејао би се над Невидљивим... Молим вас, старајте се све извршивати у једнодушности Божјој под председништвом епископа, који заузимају место Бога, и презвитера, који састављају сабор апостола... не мислећи да би ма шта било правилно, што ви чините сами, одељеноо.”
Да созерцавам све добротељи у личности Господа Исуса Христа, и то:
1. како је свака добротељ у Њему потпуна и савршена као ни у коме другом у историји света;
2. како се све дивно допуњују, једна у другу залежући, и једна другу чинећи сјајнијом.
о бризи за спасење наших ближњих
Нико да не гледа што је његово, него сваки да гледа што је другога (Прва Коринћанима 10, 28)
То је начело светитеља Божјих, и сада и некада, од увек и до века. То је начело назидно и друштвено. На том начелу може се основати најсавршеније, најбогоугодније и најсрећније друштво људско. Спасоносно начело за сваку врсту тешкоћа, са којима се савремени људи боре, боре без победе н без наде. Света душа брине се о суседима својим, ближњим и даљњим; брине се где ће бездомни преноћити, како ће се гладни нахранити, чиме ли наги оденути? Брине се и моли се Богу, да се суседи њени спасу; да срце своје испуне љубављу према Богу; да ум свој управе к Богу; да се неваљали врате с пута неваљалства; да се колебљиви у вери утврде; да се утврђени одрже; да упокојени виде лице Божје; да живи буду уписани у Књигу Живих у царству светлости.
Но пазите, браћо, како исто тако од речи до речи може да гласи и начело ђаволско, разорно и недруштвено: нико да не гледа своје тело, како да га очува у чистоти од греха, него свак да гледа туђе тело, како да га оскврни и уништи. Нико да не гледа своју душу, како да је спасе, него свак да гледа на туђу душу како да је оцрни, оклевета, осиромаши, упропасти. Нико да не гледа свој дом, како да га сазида и обнови, него свак да гледа на дом туђи, како да га спали и поруши. Нико да не гледа своје житнице, како да их напуни, него свак да гледа туђе житнице, како да их покраде и испразни. Видите ли, браћо, како ово начело може да буде начело добра и начело зла; мач оштар с обе стране; ангел или сатана. Погледајте, како је ово начело, у сатанском духу и облику, данас узело маха на све стране!
О Господе Душе Свети, који си ове свете речи пустио у свет кроз језик апостола Божјег, као светле зраке сунчане, да нас обасјају а не да нас сагоре, помози нам, да их испунимо у правом смислу небесном, на славу Бога тројединога, а на спасење душа наших. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.