The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič for Old Calendar date March 3, and New Calendar date March 16.
They were companions of St. Theodore Tiro. When the righteous Theodore gloriously died, they remained behind in prison, and for a long time they were not sentenced due to a change in the emperor's deputy in the city of Amasea. When the new governor arrived, more inhuman than his predecessor, he ordered that these three be brought before him. All three were youths. Eutropius and Cleonicus wereblood brothers, and Basilliscus was a kinsman of St. Theodore. All three were like blood brothers in brotherly love. As such, they said before the governor, "As the Holy Trinity is undivided, so also are we by our faith undivided and in love inseparable." In vain was all the flattery on the part of the governor and in vain were his attempts to bribe Eutropius. First of all, the deputy invited Eutropius to dine with him. Eutropius refused, quoting from the Psalms, "Happy the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked" (Psalm 1:1). After that, the deputy offered him a large amount of money, one hundred-fifty litres of silver, which Eutropius also refused and reminded the governor that because of silver, Judas lost his soul. After all attempts at interrogation and torture, the first two were sentenced to be crucified, and Basilliscus was sentenced to be beheaded. And so it was, two brothers crucified on two crosses for which they gave thanks to Christ that He made them worthy of the same death by which He Himself died. The third, Basilliscus, was beheaded. They all entered the Kingdom of Joy where St. Theodore, their commander, awaited them and who before them was glorified by Christ the Lord and Victor. They suffered honorably in the year 308 A.D.
For the sake of Christ, Piama did not wish to marry; she dedicated herself to a life of asceticism in the home of her mother. She ate very little food, and that, every other day. She spent most of her time in prayer and contemplation. Piama possessed the "Gift of Discernment." She died peacefully, wedding her soul to the Lord about the year 377 A.D.
Coming from a wealthy home in Alexandria, she had a good father who suffered much and came to an evil end, and an evil mother who lived well, died peacefully and was buried with honors. Perplexed as to whether she should live according to the example of her father or her mother, this maiden had a vision which revealed to her the conditions of her mother and her father in the other world. She saw her father in the Kingdom of God and her mother in darkness and in torment. This vision helped themaiden to decide that she would dedicate her whole life to God and, like her father, would adhere to the commandments of God, without considering all the adversities and the misfortunes which she would have to endure. She was faithful to the will of God to the end and, with the help of God, was made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven where she was reunited with her God-loving father.
The mind composed and uplifted to God the Most High,
The heart enflamed with love toward Him,
Does not care about pains nor about the body, worry,
Over such as these, only the Lord rules.
The mind fixed on Christ, that is most important.
This, during his torments, Saint Eutropius recognized
And Cleonicus his brother and beloved Basilliscus,
All three in the fire as though in the morning dew, were.
A mind fixed on Christ, about tortures does not care,
If pain persists, so also does prayer persist,
About pain, it does not think, but prayer, it weaves;
He who fears God does not fear pain.
Two blood brothers raised on the Cross:
Their bodies convulse, but the spirit does not stir,
Both glorify God Who glorified them;
Such an honorable death, to them, He gave.
The garment of the flesh is rent and removed
And the spirit races toward heaven; the spirit, than the body, is stronger;
Receive O God, they cry out, our spirit in the heights,
To You be enteral glory, O Son of God!
Humanly speaking, Christ, by His obedience, elevated Himself to primacy in the Church, in the world and in the history of mankind. No one can be a good leader who has not completed the school of obedience. Adam forfeited the authority and dominion over the living creatures and the elements of nature at the very moment when he showed himself disobedient to God. The Abba Moses said, "Obedience begats obedience; if someone listens to God, God also listens to him." It is obvious then, that God listens to man more than man listens to God, especially when one takes into consideration how often and in how many ways man sins daily against the commandments of God. It is a fact that the Eternal God listens to us, corruptible as we are, more than we listen to Him. This should fill all of us with shame who still have a conscience. When St. Eutropius was being tortured, along with his two companions, he prayed to God, "Come to us in assistance as You came to Your servant Theodore Tiro." Suddenly, the ground shook and the obedient Lord appeared with His angels along with St. Theodore. The Lord said to the sufferers, "During the time of your torture, I stood before your faces and observed your patience. I will write your names in the Book of Life."
To contemplate the Lord Jesus at the Mystical Supper:
1. How He chose bread and wine, two ordinary elements of nourishment, and through them instituted His visible and invisible bond with the Church until the end;
2. How the Mystical Supper was preserved until today and how it will be preserved until the end of time as the Mystery of Communion;
3. How everyday, and almost every hour, somewhere in the world, a priest, consecrates the bread and wine and receives it as the Body and Blood of Christ. What a wonderful vision that is! [The Consecration of the bread and wine and receiving it as the Holy Body and Precious Blood of Christ]
About love for your neighbor
"Yet that I remain in the flesh is more necessary for your benefit" (Philippians 1:24).
Inflamed with the love of God, the Apostle Paul acknowledged, in his Epistle to the Philippians, that for him death is a gain because his life is Christ's. Paul's love for Christ draws him toward death so that he may stand by Christ as soon as possible,and his love for the faithful again compels him to remain in the flesh. However, there are not two loves which attract the apostle and pulls him in two directions, but one and the same love which opens before him two treasures of wealth. One treasure is the blessed world in heaven, and the other treasure is the souls of the faithful on earth. That heavenly treasure is increased by this wealth from earth; this treasure overflows into the other. To go to heaven, the apostle is drawn by love and reward; to remain on earth, he is drawn by love and duty. When mortal man, my brethren, discovers that it is more important to remain in the flesh out of love for his brethren, what kind of miracle is it then that the eternal God knew, before the apostle, that it was more important to be in the flesh for the salvation of mankind than out of the flesh in the spiritual kingdom? Does not this confession of Paul before the Philippians explain to us with complete clarity the reasons for the Incarnation of the Son of God? There, in the heavens, is the true Kingdom of Christ and the true life of Christ without the mingling of sin and death. But the love of the Son of God toward men deemed it necessary to remain in the flesh on earth among men. Truly, we need to be thankful to the Apostle Paul that he, in explaining himself to us, explained the mystery of Christ's coming and His dwelling in the flesh.
O Lord, wonderful are You in Your saints.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.

They were companions of St. Theodore Tiro. When the righteous Theodore gloriously died, they remained behind in prison, and for a long time they were not sentenced due to a change in the emperor's deputy in the city of Amasea. When the new governor arrived, more inhuman than his predecessor, he ordered that these three be brought before him. All three were youths. Eutropius and Cleonicus wereblood brothers, and Basilliscus was a kinsman of St. Theodore. All three were like blood brothers in brotherly love. As such, they said before the governor, "As the Holy Trinity is undivided, so also are we by our faith undivided and in love inseparable." In vain was all the flattery on the part of the governor and in vain were his attempts to bribe Eutropius. First of all, the deputy invited Eutropius to dine with him. Eutropius refused, quoting from the Psalms, "Happy the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked" (Psalm 1:1). After that, the deputy offered him a large amount of money, one hundred-fifty litres of silver, which Eutropius also refused and reminded the governor that because of silver, Judas lost his soul. After all attempts at interrogation and torture, the first two were sentenced to be crucified, and Basilliscus was sentenced to be beheaded. And so it was, two brothers crucified on two crosses for which they gave thanks to Christ that He made them worthy of the same death by which He Himself died. The third, Basilliscus, was beheaded. They all entered the Kingdom of Joy where St. Theodore, their commander, awaited them and who before them was glorified by Christ the Lord and Victor. They suffered honorably in the year 308 A.D.
For the sake of Christ, Piama did not wish to marry; she dedicated herself to a life of asceticism in the home of her mother. She ate very little food, and that, every other day. She spent most of her time in prayer and contemplation. Piama possessed the "Gift of Discernment." She died peacefully, wedding her soul to the Lord about the year 377 A.D.
Coming from a wealthy home in Alexandria, she had a good father who suffered much and came to an evil end, and an evil mother who lived well, died peacefully and was buried with honors. Perplexed as to whether she should live according to the example of her father or her mother, this maiden had a vision which revealed to her the conditions of her mother and her father in the other world. She saw her father in the Kingdom of God and her mother in darkness and in torment. This vision helped themaiden to decide that she would dedicate her whole life to God and, like her father, would adhere to the commandments of God, without considering all the adversities and the misfortunes which she would have to endure. She was faithful to the will of God to the end and, with the help of God, was made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven where she was reunited with her God-loving father.
The mind composed and uplifted to God the Most High,
The heart enflamed with love toward Him,
Does not care about pains nor about the body, worry,
Over such as these, only the Lord rules.
The mind fixed on Christ, that is most important.
This, during his torments, Saint Eutropius recognized
And Cleonicus his brother and beloved Basilliscus,
All three in the fire as though in the morning dew, were.
A mind fixed on Christ, about tortures does not care,
If pain persists, so also does prayer persist,
About pain, it does not think, but prayer, it weaves;
He who fears God does not fear pain.
Two blood brothers raised on the Cross:
Their bodies convulse, but the spirit does not stir,
Both glorify God Who glorified them;
Such an honorable death, to them, He gave.
The garment of the flesh is rent and removed
And the spirit races toward heaven; the spirit, than the body, is stronger;
Receive O God, they cry out, our spirit in the heights,
To You be enteral glory, O Son of God!
Humanly speaking, Christ, by His obedience, elevated Himself to primacy in the Church, in the world and in the history of mankind. No one can be a good leader who has not completed the school of obedience. Adam forfeited the authority and dominion over the living creatures and the elements of nature at the very moment when he showed himself disobedient to God. The Abba Moses said, "Obedience begats obedience; if someone listens to God, God also listens to him." It is obvious then, that God listens to man more than man listens to God, especially when one takes into consideration how often and in how many ways man sins daily against the commandments of God. It is a fact that the Eternal God listens to us, corruptible as we are, more than we listen to Him. This should fill all of us with shame who still have a conscience. When St. Eutropius was being tortured, along with his two companions, he prayed to God, "Come to us in assistance as You came to Your servant Theodore Tiro." Suddenly, the ground shook and the obedient Lord appeared with His angels along with St. Theodore. The Lord said to the sufferers, "During the time of your torture, I stood before your faces and observed your patience. I will write your names in the Book of Life."
To contemplate the Lord Jesus at the Mystical Supper:
1. How He chose bread and wine, two ordinary elements of nourishment, and through them instituted His visible and invisible bond with the Church until the end;
2. How the Mystical Supper was preserved until today and how it will be preserved until the end of time as the Mystery of Communion;
3. How everyday, and almost every hour, somewhere in the world, a priest, consecrates the bread and wine and receives it as the Body and Blood of Christ. What a wonderful vision that is! [The Consecration of the bread and wine and receiving it as the Holy Body and Precious Blood of Christ]
About love for your neighbor
"Yet that I remain in the flesh is more necessary for your benefit" (Philippians 1:24).
Inflamed with the love of God, the Apostle Paul acknowledged, in his Epistle to the Philippians, that for him death is a gain because his life is Christ's. Paul's love for Christ draws him toward death so that he may stand by Christ as soon as possible,and his love for the faithful again compels him to remain in the flesh. However, there are not two loves which attract the apostle and pulls him in two directions, but one and the same love which opens before him two treasures of wealth. One treasure is the blessed world in heaven, and the other treasure is the souls of the faithful on earth. That heavenly treasure is increased by this wealth from earth; this treasure overflows into the other. To go to heaven, the apostle is drawn by love and reward; to remain on earth, he is drawn by love and duty. When mortal man, my brethren, discovers that it is more important to remain in the flesh out of love for his brethren, what kind of miracle is it then that the eternal God knew, before the apostle, that it was more important to be in the flesh for the salvation of mankind than out of the flesh in the spiritual kingdom? Does not this confession of Paul before the Philippians explain to us with complete clarity the reasons for the Incarnation of the Son of God? There, in the heavens, is the true Kingdom of Christ and the true life of Christ without the mingling of sin and death. But the love of the Son of God toward men deemed it necessary to remain in the flesh on earth among men. Truly, we need to be thankful to the Apostle Paul that he, in explaining himself to us, explained the mystery of Christ's coming and His dwelling in the flesh.
O Lord, wonderful are You in Your saints.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.
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Охридски пролог
Свети Николај Велимировић Жички.
Охридски пролог
Свети Николај Велимировић Жички.
3. МАРТ (стари) или 16. МАРТ (нови календар)
1. Свети мученици Евтропије, Клеоник и Василиск. Беху другови светог Теодора Тирона. Па кад славни Теодор славно сконча, они осташе у тамници иза њега, и не бише задуго осуђени због смене намесника царског у граду Амасији. Када стиже нови намесник, још нечовечнији од свог претходника, нареди те му изведоше ову тројицу. Сва тројица беху младићи, и то Евтропије и Клеоник браћа рођена, а Василиск сродник светом Теодору. Но сва тројица по братској љубави беху као рођена браћа. Тако и пред намесником рекоше:„Као што је Света Тројица недељива, тако смо и ми по вери недељиви и по љубави неразлучни.” Узалудна беху сва ласкања од стране намесника, и узалудни покушаји његови да поткупи Евтропија. Најпре овога позва да с њим вечера, што Евтропије одби говорећи из Псалама: благо мужу који не иде на савет нечестивих, по том му понуди огромно благо — сто и педесет литара сребра — што Евтропије такође одби подсетив намесника, да Јуда због сребра душу своју изгуби. После свих покушаја, истјазања и мука бише прва двојица осуђени на распеће, а Василиск на посечење мачем. И бејаху два брата на два крста распети, за што они одадоше хвалу Христу, што их удостоји оне смрти, којом и Он умре; а трећи Василиск мачем посечен. И сви одоше у царство радости где их чекаше војвода њихов, свети Теодор, пре њих прослављен од Христа, Господа и Победиоца. Пострадаше чесно 308. године.
2. Света Пиамука.Мисирка. Ради Христа не хте се удавати него се преда подвижништву у кући своје матере. Узимала је само мало хране и то сваки други дан, и проводила време у молитви и созерцању. Имала дар прозорљивости. Упокојила се мирно обручивши душу своју Господу, око 377. године.
3. Непозната девојка из богате куће у Александрији. Имађаше доброг оца, који претрпи много и зло сврши, и мајку злу, која добро поживе и умре у миру и би сахрањена с почашћу. У недоумици да ли да живи по примеру оца или по примеру мајке ова девица имаде визију, која јој откри стање оца и мајке у другом свету. Оца виде она у царству Божјем а мајку у тами и муци. То њу определи, да сав свој живот посвети Богу, и да попут оца свога држи се закона Божјег без обзира на све противности и недаће, које би имала да претрпи. И одржа закон Божји до краја, с Божјом помоћи, и удостоји се царства небескога, у коме се састаде с оцем својим богољубивим.
Ум сабран и дигнут к Богу Свевишњему,
Срце запаљено љубављу ка Њему,
Не хаје за муке, нит за тело мари,
Над таквим једино Господ господари.
Ум прилепљен Христу, — то је најважније,
То на муци позна свети Евтропије
И Клеоник брат му, и Василиск мили,
Сва три су у ватри ко у роси били.
Ум прилепљен Христу за муке не хаје,
Ако мука траје и молитва траје,
О муци не мисли но молитву кроји;
Ко се Бога боји муке се не боји.
Два рођена брата на крст уздигнути:
Тело им се грчи, но дух се не мути,
Оба славе Бога који њих прослави,
И смрт њима такву почасну достави.
Телесна им риза цепа се и свлачи
А дух стреми к небу, дух од тела јачи;
Прими Боже, вичу, дух наш увисине,
Теби вечна слава, о Божији Сине!
Говорећи по човечански, Христос је послушношћу уздигао се до старешинства у цркви, у свету и у историји људској. Нико не бива добар старешина, ако није прошао школу послушања. Адам је изгубио власт и старешинство над животињама и стихијама природним у ономе часу кад се показао непослушан према Богу. „Послушност бива за послушност; ако ко слуша Бога, и Бог њега слуша”, рекао је авва Мојсеј. Ипак очигледно је, да Бог више слуша људе него људи Бога, кад се узме колико се и колико пута људи посведневно греше о заповести Божје. Факт да Бог бесмртни слуша нас трулежне више него ми Њега мора да испуни стидом свакога ко још савести има. Када свети Евтропије беше мучен са своја два друга, он се помоли Богу: „Дођи нам у помоћ као што си дошао слуги Твоме Теодору (Тирону)!” У том се земља затресе и послушни Господ јави се с ангелима и са светим Теодором. И рече Господ страдалцима: „За време вашег мучења ја сам стајао пред лицем вашим посматрајући трпљење ваше. Имена ваша уписаће се у Књигу Живота.”
Да созерцавам Господа Исуса на Тајној вечери, и то:
1. како Он изабра хлеб и вино, два обична елемента исхране, и кроз њих установи Своју видљиво — невидљиву везу с црквом до краја;
2. како се Тајна Вечера одржала до данас и како ће се одржати до краја времена као Тајна Причешћа;
3. како се сваки дан и, готово, сваки час негде у свету од неког свештеника освештава хлеб и вино, и прима као тело и крв Христова. Дивна визија тога!
о љубави к ближњим
Али остати у тијелу потребније је вас ради (Филибљанима 1, 24).
Озарен љубављу Христовом апостол Павле признаје у посланици Филибљанима, да је за њега смрт добитак, пошто је његов живот Христос. Љубав његова према Христу вуче га у смрт, да би што пре стао уз Христа, а љубав према верним људима опет гони га да још остане у телу. Па ипак то нису две љубави, које растржу апостола и вуку га на две стране, него једна иста, која отвара пред њим две ризнице блага: једна ризница блажени свет на небу, а друга душе верујућих на земљи. Оно небесно благо увеличава се овим благом са земље; ова ризница прелива се у ону. Да иде на небо — на то вуче апостола љубав и награда; да остане на земљи — на то га вуче љубав и дужност.
Па кад један смртан човек, браћо моја, налази да је потребније бити у телу из љубави према браћи својој, какво је онда чудо да је бесмртни Бог увидео пре апостола да је потребније бити у телу ради спасења рода људског него ли ван тела у царству духовном? Ова исповест Павлова пред Филибљанима — не објашњава ли нам она сасвим јасно побуде ваплоћења Сина Божјега? Тамо, на небесима је право Христово царство и прави Христов живот, без примесе греха и смрти. Али љубав Сина Божјега према људима нашла је, да је потребније бити у телу, на земљи, међу људима. Ваистину, морамо бити благодарни апостолу Павлу, што нам је објашњавајући себе објаснио тајну Христова доласка и пребивања у телу.
Господе, диван си у светим Својим. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.