Bible study software useful for Orthodox Christians, theology students, and teachers of the faith who would like to examine the scriptures in Hebrew and Greek conveniently with dictionaries.
Important Note
Please note: Orthodox Christians should be very careful not to read the Bible commentaries by authors who write contrary to the teachings of the Orthodox Church. Orthodox Christians should read the homilies and commentaries by St. John Chrysostom, blessed Theophylact[1] and other holy fathers of the Orthodox Church. If any commentaries disagree, or are contrary, with the commentaries, of the saints, blessed and approved by the Orthodox Church, they should not be read. Otherwise it may lead a person, who is unable to correctly comprehend, and discern the true meaning, and reasoning, of Bible verses, to fall into confusion, heresy, delusion, complete loss of faith and eternal perdition. Orthodox Christians should commence Bible reading with prayer, humility and the fear of God, asking God to enlighten and protect them from all delusion and error. On no account should one trust in their our own interpretation and understanding, if it is contrary to the commentaries and homilies of the Orthodox Christian Saints. Humility keeps a soul safe from all the traps of the enemy, while pride leads to destruction.
Here is what Saint Ignatius (Ignaty) Brianchaninov, a renowned spiritual writer and monastic guide of nineteenth century Russia, has to say about this: “
While reading the evangelists, the novice [or beginner] should also read The Explanation of the Gospels by Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria. The reading of The Explanation is indispensable. It is an aid to the right understanding of the Gospel and consequently to the most exact practice of it. Moreover, the rules of the Church require that Scripture should be understood as the holy Fathers explain it, and not at all arbitrarily. By being guided in our understanding of the Gospel by the explanation of the holy Fathers, we keep the tradition of the holy Church.” (From the book, The Arena). To read the full related text of Ignatius (Ignaty) Brianchaninov please click here.
[1] Some commentaries (work in progress) of the Gospels by Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, are available in audio format from here.
Very useful free software for those who would like to view the Bible in Hebrew (old testament) and Greek (new testament). The available literal english versions that can be installed with this software are: Concordant literal version (CLV), 1898 Young's literal translation (YLT). The Authorized Version (AV) is also included. Operating system (should work on): Windows based systems and Linux (Wine - unofficial).
Important Note
Here is what Saint Ignatius (Ignaty) Brianchaninov, a renowned spiritual writer and monastic guide of nineteenth century Russia, has to say about this: “
While reading the evangelists, the novice [or beginner] should also read The Explanation of the Gospels by Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria. The reading of The Explanation is indispensable. It is an aid to the right understanding of the Gospel and consequently to the most exact practice of it. Moreover, the rules of the Church require that Scripture should be understood as the holy Fathers explain it, and not at all arbitrarily. By being guided in our understanding of the Gospel by the explanation of the holy Fathers, we keep the tradition of the holy Church.” (From the book, The Arena). To read the full related text of Ignatius (Ignaty) Brianchaninov please click here.
[1] Some commentaries (work in progress) of the Gospels by Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria, are available in audio format from here.
The Fee Software
Greek / Hebrew: Interlinear Scripture Analyzer (ISA)
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The Word is powerful free Bible software, with Greek and Hebrew support, that allows you to quickly and easily search and browse the Bible. The Word comes preloaded with more than 20 different interface themes. Each view is fully customizable and can contain any number of resources, neatly organized with button-style tabs. Searching the Bible is easy and quick. The search engine supports a variety of search operators in the Boolean logic mode (e.g. "AND", "OR", "NEAR", “XOR”, “*”, “?” etc.), and the use of Regular Expressions. Search results are displayed in their own separate view that stay visible, and docked within the main window. You may have more than one search view visible to compare search results from multiple searches. The matching verses can also be copied to the clipboard, or put in a verse list. The Word has many free modules available for download, and it is even possible to create your own modules. The Word offers a compact portable mode that allows it to be run from a personal USB flash drive. To read more about these, and other features in detail, please visit the website. There are simple Predefined layouts accessible via the View menu. Operating system (should work on): Windows based systems: Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and Linux (Wine - unofficial).

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e-Sword is free Bible software which has an integrated editor, print capabilities, comparison of various Bible translations, search capabilities, verse lists etc.
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The Word

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