The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič for Old Calendar date March 7, and New Calendar date March 20.

All of them were bishops in Cherson at different times. All suffered and were martyred at the hands of unbelievers, whether they were Jews, Greeks or Scythians, except Aetherius, who died peacefully. All of them were sent by the Patriarch of Jerusalem as missionaries to bring the light of the Gospel to these wild and uncivilized areas. They were tortured and suffered for their Lord. In Cherson, Basil raised the son of a prince from the dead which embittered the Jews and they, in turn, brought an accusation against him. He was tied and bound by the feet and dragged through the streets until his soul departed him. Ephrem was beheaded. Eugenius, Elpidus and Agathadorus were beaten with rods and stoned until they gave up their souls to God. Aetherius lived during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great. He governed the Church in freedom and peace, erected a large church in Cherson, and died peacefully. When the last of them, Capito, was appointed bishop for the wild and savage Scythians, they sought a sign from him that they may believe. They suggested that he enter into a fiery furnace and, if he was not consumed, they would all believe in Christ. With fervent prayers and hope in God, Capito placed his episcopal pallium over his shoulders, signed himself with the sign of the cross, and entered into the flaming hot furnace, keeping his heart close to God. He remained in the flames for about an hour without any injury or damage, either to his body or to his vesture. He came out in good health. Then, at once, all of them cried out: "One is God, the God of the Christians, great and mighty, Who protects His servant in the flaming furnace." The entire city and all the vicinity were then baptized. This miracle was spoken of at length at the First Ecumenical Council [Nicaea, 325 A.D.]. The participants in the Council all glorified God and praised the steadfast and solid faith of St. Capito. It happened that while Capito was traveling along the Dnieper river, he was captured by the pagan Scythians and was drowned. All these seven priestly-martyrs suffered during the early years of the fourth century.
Emilianus was born in Rome and committed many grave sins in his youth. When Emilianus came to his senses, he refrained from sinning and began to tremble just thinking about the judgment of God. Emilianus immediately entered a monastery and by fasting, vigils and obedience, he tamed and shriveled his body. He was an ideal example to his brethren in all virtuous acts of asceticism. Frequently at night, he would step out of the monastery and enter into a nearby cave to pray. Not knowing where Emilianus was going, the abbot of the monastery secretly followed him one night. The abbot saw Emilianus standing at prayer in reverence and in tears. All at once, a heavenly light, brighter than the sun, encompassed the entire mountain but especially the cave and Emilianus. A voice was heard from heaven saying, "Emilianus, your sins are forgiven you." Filled with fright, the abbot hurried back to the monastery. The next day, he revealed to the brethren what he had seen and heard the previous night. Great respect was shown to Emilianus by the brethren. He lived long and entered into rest in the Lord.(*)
(*) On this date St. Lawrence is commemorated in the great Greek Synaxarion. He was a benefactor of the Monastery Phaneromene on the island of Salamis. He lived in Megara as a married man with two sons. He was righteous and pious. The Holy Birth-Giver of God appeared to him in a dream and commanded him to go to Salamis and there to restore her church. He went there and, indeed, he discovered the destroyed ruins and built a new church. Here, he was tonsured a monk and died on March 7, 1770 A.D. Afterwards, many miracles occurred in this monastery over the relics of St. Lawrence. Ed. note replaced: "died to the Lord."
Emilianus, a grave sinner,
And from sin, the soul aches,
Emilianus, disconsolate
For forgiveness, he prays to God:
O Most High, O Most wonderful,
From Whom the sun has light,
From Whom the angelic choir, its wakeful
Existence, joy and radiance receive!
For You only, O God, do I care,
Repentantly, I return to You,
Only to You do I offer thanks
That now, I truly comprehend life.
Tears, tears, tears, I shed,
Body and spirit now are fasting,
Vision of the world and hearing I conceal,
Forgive, O God, forgive, forgive!
For Your mercy I am a field,
Weed me and cultivate me,
Let my soul be alive,
And the flesh suffer and feel pain.
Of all men, I am the worst,
Behold, I judge myself,
Just do not judge me, O God,
I fear You, Only You!
A thick rope is made from thin, fibrous strands of hemp. One thin fiber cannot hold you tied nor can it strangle you. For you will easily, as in jest, break it and free yourself from it. If you are tied by a thick rope, you can be held bound and even be strangled by it. Neither can you break it easily nor free yourself from it. As a thick rope consists of thin and weak fibers, so the passions of man consist of minor sins. Man can break off and turn away from the beginnings of minor sins. But, when sin after sin is repeated, the weave becomes all the more stronger and stronger until in the end a passion is created, which then turns man into some kind of monster as only it knows how. You cannot easily cut it off, nor distance yourself from it, nor can you divorce yourself from it. O, if only men would beware and take care of the beginnings of sins! Then, they would not have to endure much in freeing themselves from passions. "To cut off rooted passions is as difficult as cutting off the fingers," said a monk from the Holy Mountain. To free himself from sinful passions, St. Emilianus was helped by thinking thoughts of death and, understandably, the Grace of God, without which it is extremely difficult to rid oneself of the fetters of passion. To think often of impending death, to repent and to implore Grace from Almighty God, these three save a man from the bondage of sin. St. Sisoes was asked, "At which time can passions be uprooted?" The saint replied, "As soon as one passion takes root in you, uproot it immediately."
To contemplate the Lord Jesus at prayer in Gethsemane:
1. How He falls on His face and prays three times, "My Father if it is possible, let this cup pass from me" (St. Matthew 26:39), and again, "Your will be done" (St. Matthew 26:42).
2. How He sweated at prayer, "And His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground" (St. Luke 22:44).
3. How all of this was because of you and me; because of my sins and your sins; and for the sake of my salvation and your salvation.
About the hand of the betrayer
"And yet behold, the hand of the one who is to betray Me is with Me on the table" (St. Luke 22:21).
It is most difficult for a general to wage war when he has an enemy within the camp; not only external enemies, but internal enemies among his own. Judas was considered among his own. However, he was the enemy from within. Rows of enemies crowded and closed ranks around Christ and, from within, Judas was preparing betrayal. His hand was on the table which Christ blessed, and his thoughts were aligned with the enemies where darkest evil, hatred and malice seethed against the gentle Lord.
Is it not also the same today, that the hand of the many traitors of Christ are at the table with Him? Which table is not Christ's? On what table are not His gifts? He is the Householder and He nourishes and feeds His guests. The guests have nothing of their own, nothing! All good and all abundance which is given to them is given to them by the hand of Christ. Therefore, is it not so that Christ is present at every table as a Householder and as a Servant? Therefore, are not those also the hands of all who even today betray Christ on the table together with Him? They eat His bread and they speak against Him. They warm themselves by His sun and they slander His name. They breathe His air and they rise up against His Church. They live off His mercy and they banish Him from their homes, from their schools, from their courts, from their books and from their hearts. They trample His commandments willfully, maliciously and ridicule His law. Are they not then the betrayers of Christ and the followers of Judas? Do not be afraid of them! God did not command that we be afraid of them but wait to see their end. Our Lord was not afraid of Judas nor is He afraid of all the traitorous hordes until the end of time. He knows their end and He already has His victory in His hands. Therefore, do not you be afraid either. Adhere faithfully to Christ the Lord, both when it appears to you that His causes succeed and go forward in the world and then, again, when it appears to you that His causes collapse and perish. Do not be afraid! If you become frightened, perhaps your hand will be found clenched under the hand of Judas at the table of Christ.
O Lord, All-Victorious, sustain us with Your power and mercy.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.

All of them were bishops in Cherson at different times. All suffered and were martyred at the hands of unbelievers, whether they were Jews, Greeks or Scythians, except Aetherius, who died peacefully. All of them were sent by the Patriarch of Jerusalem as missionaries to bring the light of the Gospel to these wild and uncivilized areas. They were tortured and suffered for their Lord. In Cherson, Basil raised the son of a prince from the dead which embittered the Jews and they, in turn, brought an accusation against him. He was tied and bound by the feet and dragged through the streets until his soul departed him. Ephrem was beheaded. Eugenius, Elpidus and Agathadorus were beaten with rods and stoned until they gave up their souls to God. Aetherius lived during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great. He governed the Church in freedom and peace, erected a large church in Cherson, and died peacefully. When the last of them, Capito, was appointed bishop for the wild and savage Scythians, they sought a sign from him that they may believe. They suggested that he enter into a fiery furnace and, if he was not consumed, they would all believe in Christ. With fervent prayers and hope in God, Capito placed his episcopal pallium over his shoulders, signed himself with the sign of the cross, and entered into the flaming hot furnace, keeping his heart close to God. He remained in the flames for about an hour without any injury or damage, either to his body or to his vesture. He came out in good health. Then, at once, all of them cried out: "One is God, the God of the Christians, great and mighty, Who protects His servant in the flaming furnace." The entire city and all the vicinity were then baptized. This miracle was spoken of at length at the First Ecumenical Council [Nicaea, 325 A.D.]. The participants in the Council all glorified God and praised the steadfast and solid faith of St. Capito. It happened that while Capito was traveling along the Dnieper river, he was captured by the pagan Scythians and was drowned. All these seven priestly-martyrs suffered during the early years of the fourth century.
Emilianus was born in Rome and committed many grave sins in his youth. When Emilianus came to his senses, he refrained from sinning and began to tremble just thinking about the judgment of God. Emilianus immediately entered a monastery and by fasting, vigils and obedience, he tamed and shriveled his body. He was an ideal example to his brethren in all virtuous acts of asceticism. Frequently at night, he would step out of the monastery and enter into a nearby cave to pray. Not knowing where Emilianus was going, the abbot of the monastery secretly followed him one night. The abbot saw Emilianus standing at prayer in reverence and in tears. All at once, a heavenly light, brighter than the sun, encompassed the entire mountain but especially the cave and Emilianus. A voice was heard from heaven saying, "Emilianus, your sins are forgiven you." Filled with fright, the abbot hurried back to the monastery. The next day, he revealed to the brethren what he had seen and heard the previous night. Great respect was shown to Emilianus by the brethren. He lived long and entered into rest in the Lord.(*)
(*) On this date St. Lawrence is commemorated in the great Greek Synaxarion. He was a benefactor of the Monastery Phaneromene on the island of Salamis. He lived in Megara as a married man with two sons. He was righteous and pious. The Holy Birth-Giver of God appeared to him in a dream and commanded him to go to Salamis and there to restore her church. He went there and, indeed, he discovered the destroyed ruins and built a new church. Here, he was tonsured a monk and died on March 7, 1770 A.D. Afterwards, many miracles occurred in this monastery over the relics of St. Lawrence. Ed. note replaced: "died to the Lord."
Emilianus, a grave sinner,
And from sin, the soul aches,
Emilianus, disconsolate
For forgiveness, he prays to God:
O Most High, O Most wonderful,
From Whom the sun has light,
From Whom the angelic choir, its wakeful
Existence, joy and radiance receive!
For You only, O God, do I care,
Repentantly, I return to You,
Only to You do I offer thanks
That now, I truly comprehend life.
Tears, tears, tears, I shed,
Body and spirit now are fasting,
Vision of the world and hearing I conceal,
Forgive, O God, forgive, forgive!
For Your mercy I am a field,
Weed me and cultivate me,
Let my soul be alive,
And the flesh suffer and feel pain.
Of all men, I am the worst,
Behold, I judge myself,
Just do not judge me, O God,
I fear You, Only You!
A thick rope is made from thin, fibrous strands of hemp. One thin fiber cannot hold you tied nor can it strangle you. For you will easily, as in jest, break it and free yourself from it. If you are tied by a thick rope, you can be held bound and even be strangled by it. Neither can you break it easily nor free yourself from it. As a thick rope consists of thin and weak fibers, so the passions of man consist of minor sins. Man can break off and turn away from the beginnings of minor sins. But, when sin after sin is repeated, the weave becomes all the more stronger and stronger until in the end a passion is created, which then turns man into some kind of monster as only it knows how. You cannot easily cut it off, nor distance yourself from it, nor can you divorce yourself from it. O, if only men would beware and take care of the beginnings of sins! Then, they would not have to endure much in freeing themselves from passions. "To cut off rooted passions is as difficult as cutting off the fingers," said a monk from the Holy Mountain. To free himself from sinful passions, St. Emilianus was helped by thinking thoughts of death and, understandably, the Grace of God, without which it is extremely difficult to rid oneself of the fetters of passion. To think often of impending death, to repent and to implore Grace from Almighty God, these three save a man from the bondage of sin. St. Sisoes was asked, "At which time can passions be uprooted?" The saint replied, "As soon as one passion takes root in you, uproot it immediately."
To contemplate the Lord Jesus at prayer in Gethsemane:
1. How He falls on His face and prays three times, "My Father if it is possible, let this cup pass from me" (St. Matthew 26:39), and again, "Your will be done" (St. Matthew 26:42).
2. How He sweated at prayer, "And His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground" (St. Luke 22:44).
3. How all of this was because of you and me; because of my sins and your sins; and for the sake of my salvation and your salvation.
About the hand of the betrayer
"And yet behold, the hand of the one who is to betray Me is with Me on the table" (St. Luke 22:21).
It is most difficult for a general to wage war when he has an enemy within the camp; not only external enemies, but internal enemies among his own. Judas was considered among his own. However, he was the enemy from within. Rows of enemies crowded and closed ranks around Christ and, from within, Judas was preparing betrayal. His hand was on the table which Christ blessed, and his thoughts were aligned with the enemies where darkest evil, hatred and malice seethed against the gentle Lord.
Is it not also the same today, that the hand of the many traitors of Christ are at the table with Him? Which table is not Christ's? On what table are not His gifts? He is the Householder and He nourishes and feeds His guests. The guests have nothing of their own, nothing! All good and all abundance which is given to them is given to them by the hand of Christ. Therefore, is it not so that Christ is present at every table as a Householder and as a Servant? Therefore, are not those also the hands of all who even today betray Christ on the table together with Him? They eat His bread and they speak against Him. They warm themselves by His sun and they slander His name. They breathe His air and they rise up against His Church. They live off His mercy and they banish Him from their homes, from their schools, from their courts, from their books and from their hearts. They trample His commandments willfully, maliciously and ridicule His law. Are they not then the betrayers of Christ and the followers of Judas? Do not be afraid of them! God did not command that we be afraid of them but wait to see their end. Our Lord was not afraid of Judas nor is He afraid of all the traitorous hordes until the end of time. He knows their end and He already has His victory in His hands. Therefore, do not you be afraid either. Adhere faithfully to Christ the Lord, both when it appears to you that His causes succeed and go forward in the world and then, again, when it appears to you that His causes collapse and perish. Do not be afraid! If you become frightened, perhaps your hand will be found clenched under the hand of Judas at the table of Christ.
O Lord, All-Victorious, sustain us with Your power and mercy.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.
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Охридски пролог
Свети Николај Велимировић Жички.
Охридски пролог
Свети Николај Велимировић Жички.
7. МАРТ (стари) или 20. МАРТ (нови календар)
1. Светих седам свештеномученика Херсонских: Василије, Јефрем, Евгеније, Елпидије, Агатодор, Етерије и Капитон. Сви ови беху епископи у Херсону у разна времена, и сви пострадаше (једини Етерије умре мирно) од неверника, било од Јевреја или Грка или Скита. Сви су они одлазили у те дивље стране као мисионери, шиљани од патријарха јерусалимског, да проносе светлост јеванђелску. Сви намучени бише и пострадаше ради Господа свога. Василије васкрсе сина некога кнеза у Херсону, што огорчи Јевреје, те га оптужише. Би везан за ноге и вучен улицама градским док душу не испусти. Јефрем би мачем посечен. Евгеније, Елпидије и Агатодор бише бијени штаповима и камењем докле душе своје Богу не предаше. Етерије поживе у време Константина Великог, те у слободи и миру управљаше црквом, сагради велики храм у Херсону, и сконча мирно. Када последњи од њих, Капитон, би послан за епископа, потражише дивљи Скити од њега знак, па да верују. И предложише му сами, да уђе у огњену пећ, па ако не згори, они ће сви поверовати у Христа. Са топлом молитвом и надом на Бога Капитон метну омофор архијерејски на себе и прекрстивши се уђе у зажарену пећ држећи и срце и мисли своје уздигнуте к Богу. И постоја у пламену око једнога часа, и без икакве повреде ни на телу ни на оделу изађе здрав. Тада сви повикаше: један је Бог, Бог хришћански, велики и силни, који сачува служитеља свога у пећи огњеној! И крсти се цео град и сва околина. О овоме чуду причало се много на Никејском Сабору. И сви прославише Бога и похвалише чврсту веру свети Капитона. А Капитону се деси да га на путу ухватише на реци Дњепру незнабожачки Скити и у реку утопише. Сви пострадаше почетком ИВ века.
2. Преподобни Емилијан. Родио се у Риму и починио многе теже грехове у младости својој. Но кад се отрезни од грешења и дође к себи, трепеташе од саме помисли на Суд Божији. Ступи у неки манастир, те постом, бдењем, и послушањем укроти и исуши тело своје. У сваком добром подвигу би узор пример свој братији. Често ноћу исхођаше из манастира и иђаше у једну оближњу пећину на молитву. Не знајући куд он то иде игуман тог манастира тајом крете за њим једне ноћи. И виде игуман Емилијана како са страхом и плачем стоји на молитви. Наједанпут небеска светлост, силније од сунца, обасја целу ону гору, а нарочито пећину ону и Емилијана. И чу се глас с неба: Емилијане, опраштају ти се греси твоји! Ужасну се игуман и побеже у манастир. Сутрадан он објави о свему виђеноме и слишаном прошле ноћи. И би Емилијан у великом поштовању код братије, и поживе дуго, и упокојио се у Господу. (Под овим датумом спомиње се у грчком Великом Синаксару и свети Лаврентије ктитор манастира Фанеромена на острву Саламини. Живео у Мегари као жењен човек са два сина. Праведан и побожан. На сну му се јавила Света Ботородица и наредила му, да иде на Саламину, и на том и том месту да обнови њен храм. Он оде и заиста тамо нађе рушевине и направи нову цркву. Ту се замонашио и скончао свој живот 7. марта 1770. године. Многа чудеса догодила су се после у том манастиру над моштима светог Лаврентија).
Емилијан тешко грешан,
А од греха душа боли,
Емилијан неутешан
За опроштај Бога моли:
— О Свевишњи, о пречудни,
Од ког сунце светлост има,
Хор ангелски од ког будни
Живот, радост и сјај прима!
Само за Те, Боже, марим,
Покајно се Теби вратих,
Само Теби благодарим
Што сад живот право схватих.
Сузе, сузе, сузе лијем,
Тело и дух сад ми пости,
Вид од света и слух кријем,
Прости, Боже, прости, прости!
За милост сам Твоју њива,
Оплеви ме и поори,
Нек ми душа буде жива,
А плот нек се мучи, мори.
Најгори сам од свих људи,
Ево судим самог себе,
Тек ме, Боже ти не суди
Тебе страх ме, само Тебе!
Дебео коноп направљен је од танких влакана конопљаних. Једно танко влакно не може те држати везана нити те може удавити. Јер ти ћеш га лако, ка' од шале, прекинути и ослободити га се. Али дебео коноп ако те веже, држаће те везана, чак и удавиће те. Нити га можеш прекинути лако нити га се ослободити. Као што дебео коноп постаје од танких и слабих влакана, тако страсти људске постају од малих почетних грехова. Мале почетне грехове човек још и може прекинути и оставити. Али грех по грех, понављано, ткање постаје све јаче и јаче, док се најзад не створи страст, која онда од човека ствара онакву накараду какву само она може. Не можеш је лако ни одсећи, ни удаљити од себе, ни развенчати се с њом. О кад би се људи чували почетних грехова! Тада се не би толико мучили око свог ослобођења од страсти. „Одсецати укорењене страсти исто је тако тешко као одсецати прсте”, рекао је један монах светогорски. Да се ослободи греховних страсти помогла је светом Емилијану помисао на смрт и, разуме се, благодат Божја, без које се мучно ослободити од окова страсти. Мислити често на блиску смрт, кајати се, и од Бога просити свесилну благодат. То троје спасава човека од робовања страстима. Питали светог Сисоја, за које се време могу страсти искоренити? Одговори светитељ: „чим једна страст никне у теби, одмах је искорењуј".
Да созерцавам Господа Исуса на молитви у Гетсиманији, и то:
1. како пада на лице Своје и моли се у три маха: оче, ако је могуће да ме мимоиђе чаша ова, али опет — нека буде воља твоја;
2. како се знојаше на молитви, изној Његов бијаше као капље крви које капаху на земљу;
3. како је све ово било због мене и тебе, због греха мога и твога, и ради спасења мога и твога.
о руци издајниковој
Али ево рука издајника мојега са мном је на трпези (По Луки 22, 21).
Најтеже је једном војводи војевати кад има непријатеља и унутра, у логору; не само споља него и унутра, међу својима. Јуда је био рачунат међу своје, међутим он је био унутрашњи непријатељ. Наоколо су се збијали и згушњавали редови непријатеља Христових а унутра он је спремао издају. Рука његова била је на трпези, коју је Христос благословио, а мисли су његове биле тамо међу непријатељима, где су најцрња злоба и мржња и пакост кључале против кротког Господа
Но зар и данас није рука многих издајника Христа на трпези заједно са Њим? Јер која трпеза није Христова? На којој трпези нису Његови дарови? Он је домаћин, и Он корми и поји Своје госте. Ништа гости немају свога, ништа! Свако добро и свако обиље, које им се даје, даје им се руком Христовом. Није ли, дакле, Христос присутан свакој трпези, као домаћин и као слуга? И нису ли, дакле, руке свију оних који и данас издају Христа, на трпези заједно са њим? Једу Његов хлеб, а говоре против Њега. Греју се Његовим сунцем, а клеветају име Његово. Дишу ваздух Његов, а устају против цркве Његове. Живе од милости Његове, а Њега изгоне из својих домова, из својих школа, из својих судова, из својих књига, из својих срца. Газе Његове заповести вољно и злобно ругају се Његовом закону. Зар то нису издајници Христови и следбеници Јудини? Но не бој их се! Бог није наредио да их се бојимо но да чекамо и видимо њихов крај. И Господ Христос није се убојао Јуде, нити се Он боји свих издајничких хорди до краја времена. Јер Он зна крај њихов, и Он већ има победу Своју у рукама Својим. Не бој се, дакле, ни ти. Но држи се верно Христа Господа, и кад ти се учини да Његова ствар у свету напредује и кад ти се опет учини да Његова ствар пада и гине. Не бој се. Јер ако се убојиш, може се рука твоја наћи стегнута под руком Јудином на трпези Христовој.
О Господе Свепобедни, подржи нас силом и милошћу Твојом. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.