The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič for Old Calendar date January 1, and New Calendar date January 14. 
On the eighth day following His birth, the Divine Child was presented in the Temple and circumcised according to the Law existing in Israel since the time of Abraham. On this occasion, He was given the name Jesus, which the Archangel Gabriel had announced to the Most-Holy Virgin Mary. The Old Testament circumcision was the prefiguring of the New Testament baptism. The circumcision of our Lord shows that He truly received upon Himself the body of man and not just seemingly, as was later taught of Him by heretics. Our Lord was also circumcised because He wanted to fulfill the entire Law, which He Himself gave through the prophets and forefathers. In fulfilling the written Law, He replaced it with Baptism in His Holy Church as was proclaimed by the Apostle Paul: "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation" (Galatians 6:15). (In the liturgical calendar of the Church, this Feast of the Lord's Circumcision has neither a forefeast nor an afterfeast).
Basil was born during the reign of Emperor Constantine. While still unbaptized, Basil spent fifteen years in Athens where he studied philosophy, rhetoric, astronomy and all other secular sciences of that time. His colleagues at that time were Gregory the Theologian and Julian, later the apostate emperor. In his mature years he was baptized in the Jordan River along with Ebulios his former teacher. He was Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia for almost ten years and completed his earthly life fifty years after his birth. He was a great defender of Orthodoxy, a great light of moral purity, a religious zealot, a great theological mind, and a great builder and pillar of the Church of God. Basil fully deserved the title "Great." In liturgical services he is referred to as the "bee of the Church of Christ, which brings honey to the faithful and with its stinger pricks the heretics." Numerous works of this Father of the Church are preserved; they include theological, apologetical, ascetical and canonical writings as well as the Holy and Divine Liturgy named after him. This Divine Liturgy is celebrated ten times during the year: on the first of January, his feast day; on the eve of the Nativity of our Lord; on the eve of the Theophany of our Lord; all Sundays of Great Lent, except Palm Sunday; on Great and Holy Thursday and on Great and Holy Saturday. St. Basil reposed peacefully on January 1, 379, and was translated into the Kingdom of Christ.
You, Who, gave the Law to the world and to man,
You, the Law-giver, placed Yourself under the Law,
Others, you enjoined by imposition - Yourself, voluntarily.
That is why on the eighth day, in the flesh, You were circumcised.
In fulfilling the Law, with a new one You replaced it:
Circumcision of the flesh, was replaced with a spiritual one.
That impure passions we cut off from ourselves
And with a spirit pure, to gaze upon You.
That, with the spirit, the will of the body to cut and to constrict,
Your will, O Savior, by the spirit we fulfill it -
To this circumcision, the saints learned,
Their fiery example, to us, they left.
Wonderful Basil, to a glowing ray, similar,
To such circumcision, generations, he teaches.
To Basil, be glory, Your servant, great
Great, because of You, humble and constrained He became.
That is why he became great, and Great,
He remained.
Why is it necessary to listen to the Church and not listen to one man who thinks against the Church, even though he might be called the greatest thinker? Because the Church was founded by the Lord Jesus Christ, and because the Church is guided under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. Because the Church represents the realm of the Holy, a grove of cultivated fruit trees. If one rises up against the realm of the Holy, it means that he is unholy and why then listen to him? "The Church is an enclosure," says the all-wise John Chrysostom. "If you are within, the wolf does not enter; but if you leave, the beasts will seize you. Do not distance yourself from the Church; there is nothing mightier that the Church. The Church is your hope. The Church is your salvation. The Church is higher than the heavens. The Church is harder than stone. The Church is wider than the world. The Church never grows old but always renews itself."
To contemplate the Circumcision of the Lord Jesus Christ:
1. His glory in the heavenly kingdom where Cherubims serve Him in fear and in trembling;
2. His lowliness and His humility in the ritual of circumcision intended for sinners;
3. To contemplate my heart: how much have I circumcised sinful thoughts, vices and passions from it.
About how we should depart from evil and do good
"Turn from evil, and do good" (Psalm 33:15 LXX (34:14 KJV) )
With these words are expressed all our effort by which we should labor here on earth and in the earth, i.e., on this material earth and in this physical body. Therefore, of what then should our labor consist? To achieve two habits: First, to avoid evil and Second, to do good. Concerning that which is good and that which is evil, our conscience tells us incompletely and unclearly because our conscience is darkened by sin; but the teaching of Christ tells us completely and clearly that which is good and that which is evil.
Brethren, what does our Lord ask of us? He asks, that as our altars are always facing the east, so should our souls also be turned toward good. To leave evil behind us; to leave evil in the shadow; to leave evil in the abyss of oblivion; to leave evil in the darkness of the past, that we, from year to year, from day to day, extend ourselves toward good: to think about good; to yearn for good; to speak about good; to do good. The Lord is seeking builders and not destroyers. For whoever builds good, with that alone, he destroys evil. However, he who turns away from destroying evil, quickly forgets how to build good and is transformed into an evildoer.
The apostle of Christ teaches us, "Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good" (Romans 12:9). Hate evil but do not hate the man who commits evil for he is sick. If you can, heal the sick person but do not kill him with your hatred. Adhere to good and only good; for good is from God; for God is the treasury of all good.
O Good and All-good Lord, teach us to avoid evil and to do good for the sake of Your glory and for the sake of our salvation.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.

On the eighth day following His birth, the Divine Child was presented in the Temple and circumcised according to the Law existing in Israel since the time of Abraham. On this occasion, He was given the name Jesus, which the Archangel Gabriel had announced to the Most-Holy Virgin Mary. The Old Testament circumcision was the prefiguring of the New Testament baptism. The circumcision of our Lord shows that He truly received upon Himself the body of man and not just seemingly, as was later taught of Him by heretics. Our Lord was also circumcised because He wanted to fulfill the entire Law, which He Himself gave through the prophets and forefathers. In fulfilling the written Law, He replaced it with Baptism in His Holy Church as was proclaimed by the Apostle Paul: "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation" (Galatians 6:15). (In the liturgical calendar of the Church, this Feast of the Lord's Circumcision has neither a forefeast nor an afterfeast).
Basil was born during the reign of Emperor Constantine. While still unbaptized, Basil spent fifteen years in Athens where he studied philosophy, rhetoric, astronomy and all other secular sciences of that time. His colleagues at that time were Gregory the Theologian and Julian, later the apostate emperor. In his mature years he was baptized in the Jordan River along with Ebulios his former teacher. He was Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia for almost ten years and completed his earthly life fifty years after his birth. He was a great defender of Orthodoxy, a great light of moral purity, a religious zealot, a great theological mind, and a great builder and pillar of the Church of God. Basil fully deserved the title "Great." In liturgical services he is referred to as the "bee of the Church of Christ, which brings honey to the faithful and with its stinger pricks the heretics." Numerous works of this Father of the Church are preserved; they include theological, apologetical, ascetical and canonical writings as well as the Holy and Divine Liturgy named after him. This Divine Liturgy is celebrated ten times during the year: on the first of January, his feast day; on the eve of the Nativity of our Lord; on the eve of the Theophany of our Lord; all Sundays of Great Lent, except Palm Sunday; on Great and Holy Thursday and on Great and Holy Saturday. St. Basil reposed peacefully on January 1, 379, and was translated into the Kingdom of Christ.
You, Who, gave the Law to the world and to man,
You, the Law-giver, placed Yourself under the Law,
Others, you enjoined by imposition - Yourself, voluntarily.
That is why on the eighth day, in the flesh, You were circumcised.
In fulfilling the Law, with a new one You replaced it:
Circumcision of the flesh, was replaced with a spiritual one.
That impure passions we cut off from ourselves
And with a spirit pure, to gaze upon You.
That, with the spirit, the will of the body to cut and to constrict,
Your will, O Savior, by the spirit we fulfill it -
To this circumcision, the saints learned,
Their fiery example, to us, they left.
Wonderful Basil, to a glowing ray, similar,
To such circumcision, generations, he teaches.
To Basil, be glory, Your servant, great
Great, because of You, humble and constrained He became.
That is why he became great, and Great,
He remained.
Why is it necessary to listen to the Church and not listen to one man who thinks against the Church, even though he might be called the greatest thinker? Because the Church was founded by the Lord Jesus Christ, and because the Church is guided under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. Because the Church represents the realm of the Holy, a grove of cultivated fruit trees. If one rises up against the realm of the Holy, it means that he is unholy and why then listen to him? "The Church is an enclosure," says the all-wise John Chrysostom. "If you are within, the wolf does not enter; but if you leave, the beasts will seize you. Do not distance yourself from the Church; there is nothing mightier that the Church. The Church is your hope. The Church is your salvation. The Church is higher than the heavens. The Church is harder than stone. The Church is wider than the world. The Church never grows old but always renews itself."
To contemplate the Circumcision of the Lord Jesus Christ:
1. His glory in the heavenly kingdom where Cherubims serve Him in fear and in trembling;
2. His lowliness and His humility in the ritual of circumcision intended for sinners;
3. To contemplate my heart: how much have I circumcised sinful thoughts, vices and passions from it.
About how we should depart from evil and do good
"Turn from evil, and do good" (Psalm 33:15 LXX (34:14 KJV) )
With these words are expressed all our effort by which we should labor here on earth and in the earth, i.e., on this material earth and in this physical body. Therefore, of what then should our labor consist? To achieve two habits: First, to avoid evil and Second, to do good. Concerning that which is good and that which is evil, our conscience tells us incompletely and unclearly because our conscience is darkened by sin; but the teaching of Christ tells us completely and clearly that which is good and that which is evil.
Brethren, what does our Lord ask of us? He asks, that as our altars are always facing the east, so should our souls also be turned toward good. To leave evil behind us; to leave evil in the shadow; to leave evil in the abyss of oblivion; to leave evil in the darkness of the past, that we, from year to year, from day to day, extend ourselves toward good: to think about good; to yearn for good; to speak about good; to do good. The Lord is seeking builders and not destroyers. For whoever builds good, with that alone, he destroys evil. However, he who turns away from destroying evil, quickly forgets how to build good and is transformed into an evildoer.
The apostle of Christ teaches us, "Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good" (Romans 12:9). Hate evil but do not hate the man who commits evil for he is sick. If you can, heal the sick person but do not kill him with your hatred. Adhere to good and only good; for good is from God; for God is the treasury of all good.
O Good and All-good Lord, teach us to avoid evil and to do good for the sake of Your glory and for the sake of our salvation.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.
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Охридски пролог
Свети Николај Велимировић Жички.
Охридски пролог
Свети Николај Велимировић Жички.
1. ЈАНУАР (стари) или 14. ЈАНУАР (нови календар)
1. Обрезање Господа и Бога и Спаса нашега Исуса Христа. У осми дан по рођењу би Младенац божански донесен у храм и обрезан сходно закону постојећем у Израиљу још од времена Аврамова. Том приликом надедоше му име Исус како је и благовестио архангел Гаврил Пресветој Дjеви. Старозаветно обрезање предображава новозаветно крштење. Обрезање Господа показује, да је Он примио на себе истинско тело људско а не привидно, како су доцније учили о Њему јеретици. Још је Господ обрезан и за то што је хтео да испуни сав закон, који је Он сам дао кроз пророке и праоце. Испунивши тај пропис законски Он га је заменио крштењем у цркви Својој. „Јер у Христу Исусу нити што помаже обрезање ни необрезање, него нова твар” (Галатима 6, 15), објављује апостол. (У црквеној служби овај Господњи празник нема ни предпразништво ни попразништво).
2. Свети Василије Велики, архиепископ кесаријски. Рођен у време цара Константина. Још као некрштен учио се 15 година у Атини философији, реторици, астрономији и свима осталим светским наукама тога времена. Школски другови су му били: Григорије Богослов и Јулијан, доцнији цар одступник. У зрелим годинама крстио се на реци Јордану заједно са својим бившим учитељем Евулом. Био епископ Кесарије Кападокијске близу 10 година, а завршио свој земни живот напунив 50 година од рођења. Велики поборник Православља, велика луча моралне чистоте и ревности верске, велики богословски ум, велики стројитељ и стуб цркве Божје — Василије се заслужно назива Великим. У црквеној служби назива се пчелом цркве Христове, која носи мед вернима и жаоком својом боде јеретике. Сачувана су многобројна дела овога Оца Цркве, богословска, апологетска, подвижничка и канонска; исто тако и служба, названа по његовом имену. Ова служба служи се 10 пута у години, и то: 1. јануара, уочи Божића, уочи Богојављења, у све недеље Часног поста осим Цветне, на Велики Четвртак и на Велику Суботу. Мирно се упокоји свети Василије 1. јануара 379. године и пресели у царство Христово.
Ти што закон свету и човеку даде,
Ти, Законодавче, сам под закон стаде,
Друге силом — Себе драговољно — веза;
Зато осмог дана телом се обреза.
Испунивши закон Ти га смени новим:
Обрезање плотско замени духовним.
Да нечисте страсти режемо од себе
И у духу чистом да следимо Тебе.
Вољу тела духом сећи и теснити,
Вољу Твоју, Спасе, духом испунити —
Том се обрезању свети научише,
Свој пламени пример нама оставише.
Василије дивни, сличан сјајној лучи,
Таквом обрезању поколења учи.
Слава Василију, Твом великом слузи.
Велик, јер због Тебе смири се и сузи.
Зато већи поста, и Велики оста.
Зашто треба слушати цркву а не једнога човека, који мисли против цркве, ма он био назват и највећим мислиоцем? Зато што је цркву основао Господ Исус Христос, и зато што цркву надахњавајући руководи Дух Божји Свети. Зато још што црква означава државу светих, градину питомих воћака. Ако један устаје против државе светих, значи да је он несвети, те зашто њега слушати? „Црква је ограда, говори премудри Златоуст; ако си унутра, вук не улази; ако ли изађеш, зверови ће те ухватити ... Не удаљуј се од цркве: ништа силније од цркве нема. Црква ти је нада, црква спасење. Од небеса је она виша, од камена тврђа, од земље шира; никад не стари, увек се подмлађује.”
Да созерцавам обрезање Господа Исуса, и то:
1. Његову славу у небесном царству, где му херувими служе са страхом и трепетом;
2. Његово понижење и смирење у чину обрезања, намењеном за грешнике;
3. да созерцавам срце своје: колико сам га обрезао од грешних помисли, порока и страсти.
о томе како се треба уклањати од зла и чинити добро
Уклони се од зла и учини добро (Псалми Давидови 33, 15)
Овим речима исказан је сав труд наш којим треба да се трудимо овде на земљи и у земљи, то јест на овој земљи материјалној и у овоме телу материјалном. Шта треба, дакле, да буде труд наш? Да стекнемо две навике: једну — уклањати се од зла, и другу — чинити добро. А о томе шта је добро а шта зло казује нам наша савест непотпуно и нејасно, јер је грехом помрачена, а наука Христова потпуно и јасно.
Шта тражи од нас Господ наш, браћо? Тражи да као што су олтари наши увек окренути Истоку, тако и душе наше да буду увек окренуте ка добру. Да остављамо зло иза леђа, у сенци, у понору заборава, у тами бившега, а ми из године у годину, из дана у дан, да се пружамо ка добру: да мислимо о добру, да чезнемо за добром, да говоримо о добру, да чинимо добро. Господ тражи зидаре а не рушиоце. Јер ко зида добро, самим тим руши зло. Ко се пак окрене да руши зло, брзо заборави зидати добро и претвара се у злочинца.
Мрзећи на зло држите се добра (Римљанима 12, 9), учи нас апостол Христов. Мрзи на зло, но не мрзи на човека који чини зло, јер је болесник. Ако можеш лечи болесника, но не убијај га мржњом твојом. Држи се добра, и само добра, јер је добро од Бога, и јер је Бог ризница свих добара.
О Господе добри и сведобри, научи нас уклањати се од зла и чинити добро ради славе Твоје и ради спасења нашег. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.
2. Свети Василије Велики, архиепископ кесаријски. Рођен у време цара Константина. Још као некрштен учио се 15 година у Атини философији, реторици, астрономији и свима осталим светским наукама тога времена. Школски другови су му били: Григорије Богослов и Јулијан, доцнији цар одступник. У зрелим годинама крстио се на реци Јордану заједно са својим бившим учитељем Евулом. Био епископ Кесарије Кападокијске близу 10 година, а завршио свој земни живот напунив 50 година од рођења. Велики поборник Православља, велика луча моралне чистоте и ревности верске, велики богословски ум, велики стројитељ и стуб цркве Божје — Василије се заслужно назива Великим. У црквеној служби назива се пчелом цркве Христове, која носи мед вернима и жаоком својом боде јеретике. Сачувана су многобројна дела овога Оца Цркве, богословска, апологетска, подвижничка и канонска; исто тако и служба, названа по његовом имену. Ова служба служи се 10 пута у години, и то: 1. јануара, уочи Божића, уочи Богојављења, у све недеље Часног поста осим Цветне, на Велики Четвртак и на Велику Суботу. Мирно се упокоји свети Василије 1. јануара 379. године и пресели у царство Христово.
Ти што закон свету и човеку даде,
Ти, Законодавче, сам под закон стаде,
Друге силом — Себе драговољно — веза;
Зато осмог дана телом се обреза.
Испунивши закон Ти га смени новим:
Обрезање плотско замени духовним.
Да нечисте страсти режемо од себе
И у духу чистом да следимо Тебе.
Вољу тела духом сећи и теснити,
Вољу Твоју, Спасе, духом испунити —
Том се обрезању свети научише,
Свој пламени пример нама оставише.
Василије дивни, сличан сјајној лучи,
Таквом обрезању поколења учи.
Слава Василију, Твом великом слузи.
Велик, јер због Тебе смири се и сузи.
Зато већи поста, и Велики оста.
Зашто треба слушати цркву а не једнога човека, који мисли против цркве, ма он био назват и највећим мислиоцем? Зато што је цркву основао Господ Исус Христос, и зато што цркву надахњавајући руководи Дух Божји Свети. Зато још што црква означава државу светих, градину питомих воћака. Ако један устаје против државе светих, значи да је он несвети, те зашто њега слушати? „Црква је ограда, говори премудри Златоуст; ако си унутра, вук не улази; ако ли изађеш, зверови ће те ухватити ... Не удаљуј се од цркве: ништа силније од цркве нема. Црква ти је нада, црква спасење. Од небеса је она виша, од камена тврђа, од земље шира; никад не стари, увек се подмлађује.”
Да созерцавам обрезање Господа Исуса, и то:
1. Његову славу у небесном царству, где му херувими служе са страхом и трепетом;
2. Његово понижење и смирење у чину обрезања, намењеном за грешнике;
3. да созерцавам срце своје: колико сам га обрезао од грешних помисли, порока и страсти.
о томе како се треба уклањати од зла и чинити добро
Уклони се од зла и учини добро (Псалми Давидови 33, 15)
Овим речима исказан је сав труд наш којим треба да се трудимо овде на земљи и у земљи, то јест на овој земљи материјалној и у овоме телу материјалном. Шта треба, дакле, да буде труд наш? Да стекнемо две навике: једну — уклањати се од зла, и другу — чинити добро. А о томе шта је добро а шта зло казује нам наша савест непотпуно и нејасно, јер је грехом помрачена, а наука Христова потпуно и јасно.
Шта тражи од нас Господ наш, браћо? Тражи да као што су олтари наши увек окренути Истоку, тако и душе наше да буду увек окренуте ка добру. Да остављамо зло иза леђа, у сенци, у понору заборава, у тами бившега, а ми из године у годину, из дана у дан, да се пружамо ка добру: да мислимо о добру, да чезнемо за добром, да говоримо о добру, да чинимо добро. Господ тражи зидаре а не рушиоце. Јер ко зида добро, самим тим руши зло. Ко се пак окрене да руши зло, брзо заборави зидати добро и претвара се у злочинца.
Мрзећи на зло држите се добра (Римљанима 12, 9), учи нас апостол Христов. Мрзи на зло, но не мрзи на човека који чини зло, јер је болесник. Ако можеш лечи болесника, но не убијај га мржњом твојом. Држи се добра, и само добра, јер је добро од Бога, и јер је Бог ризница свих добара.
О Господе добри и сведобри, научи нас уклањати се од зла и чинити добро ради славе Твоје и ради спасења нашег. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.