The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints by Saint Nikolai Velimirovič for Old Calendar date May 5, and New Calendar date May 18.

Irene lived in the Balkans during apostolic times in the town of Magedon. Her father Licinius was of lesser royal nobility. Some think that she was a Slav. Irene was born a pagan of pagan parents. Penelope was her pagan name. She learned about the Christian Faith from her teacher Appelianus. St. Timothy, the disciple of the Apostle Paul, baptized her and her court attendants and provided her with the epistles of the Apostle Paul to read. Refusing to marry, she enraged her father and he wanted to torture her but, in a miraculous manner, she converted her father to Christianity. Irene was subjected to various tortures by four kings, not counting her father but, God through His angels, spared her. King Sedechias buried her up to her neck in a ditch filled with snakes and scorpions but an angel of God made these venomous and repulsive creatures ineffective and saved the holy virgin from harm. King Sedechias then wanted to saw her in half but the saw rebounded from her body as from stone. After that, the same king tied her to a wheel under a water mill and released the flow of water hoping, in this manner, to kill her. But the water refused to flow, rather stood still and the virgin remained alive and well. King Sapor, the son of King Sedechias, shod her feet with nails, loaded a sack of sand on her, harnessed her and ordered that she be led like an animal far outside the town. "Truly, I am a beast before You, O Lord!" said the holy martyr, running bridled behind her torturers. However, an angel of God shook the earth and the earth opened up and swallowed her torturers. Surviving all tortures, by which she converted a countless number of pagans to Christianity, Irene entered the town of Callipolis [Gallipoli] where she preached the Faith of Christ. The local king Numerian wanted to kill her in this manner: he tossed her into three flaming hot metal oxen; one after the other. But the virgin was saved and remained alive. Many witnessed and believed. The Eparch [governor] Vaudon took her to the town of Constantina where he thought to kill her in this manner: he placed her on red-hot grates. But that did not harm St. Irene and she converted many to the True Faith. Finally, Irene arrived in the town of Mesembria where she was slain by King Sapor but God restored her to life. The king, with many of the people, upon witnessing this, believed in Christ and were baptized. Thus, St. Irene, by her suffering and miracles converted over one-hundred thousand pagans to the Faith of Christ. Finally, she lay down in a grave and ordered Appelianus to close the grave. After four days, when they opened the grave, she was not in the grave. Thus, God glorified forever the virgin and martyr Irene, who sacrificed all and endured all so that God may be glorified among men. (*)
(*) Archbishop Philaret in his "Lives of the Saints" thinks that St. Irene was of Serbian descent.
Martin and Heraclius were both Slavs. They were persecuted by the Arian heretics in Illyria. Banished into exile, these two knights of Orthodoxy completed their earthly lives in the fourth century and took up habitation with the Lord.
Penelope, daughter of the king, at the balcony was,
When, in a row, three birds to her quickly flew.
The first a dove, white as milk, with an olive branch,
After that an eagle, in its bony beak, a wreath of flowers
Finally, a raven, with a bitter serpent, swooped and entered.
Penelope, asked the servants, could they recall what this means?
The servants remain silent. No one knows. With amazement, everyone is struck.
We are all mortal men, Appelianus the Elder said:
But harken to me Penelope, harken, beautiful child,
The Spirit of God, through these signs, to you clearly prophesies;
The dove, your serenity signifies, Irene you will be called,
The Grace of God you, the olive branch signifies
The eagle, the conqueror signifies, passions you will conquer,
The flowery wreath, glory and heavenly sweetness signify;
The raven with a serpent, the demon with his maliciousness, that is
But, by our endurance, overcome him, you will.
This, Irene heard all, and in her heart quivered,
And to the saving Faith decided to give herself completely;
What she decided, that she carried out and God helped her.
Through her holy prayers, O God, save even us.
Prayer consisting of words alone does not help if the heart does not participate in prayer. God hears only a fervent prayer. Abba Zoilus of Thebaid was once returning from Mt. Sinai and met a monk who complained to him, that they are suffering much from drought in the monastery. Zoilus said to him: "Why don't you pray and implore God?" The monk replied: "We have prayed and have implored, but there is no rain." To this, Zoilus replied: "It is evident that you are not praying fervently. Do you want to be convinced that it is so?" Having said this, the elder raised his hands to heaven and prayed. Abundant rain fell to the earth. Seeing this, the astonished monk fell to the ground and bowed before the elder, but the elder, fearing the glory of men, quickly fled. The Lord Himself said: "Ask and it will be given you" (St. Luke 11:9). In vain are mouths full of prayer if the heart is empty. God does not stand and listen to the mouth but to the heart. Let the heart be filled with prayer even though the mouth might be silent. God will hear and will receive the prayer. For God only listens to a fervent prayer.
To contemplate the ascended Lord Jesus:
1. How, by His Ascension, He signified the triumphant end of His entire work on earth in the course of some thirty-three years;
2. How, by His Ascension, He teaches us that we should direct all of our aspirations toward heaven and not toward earth.
About the divine marriage of the souls of men
"Turn, O backsliding children says the Lord; for I am married to you" (Jeremiah 3:14).
The soul of man is the bride and the Living and All-powerful God is the bridegroom of the soul of man. His bride, the soul, the Lord clothes in light and nourishes it with His Grace. And the soul, from God the groom, gives birth to good children and many children in the form of many and beautiful virtuous works. The soul, on its own, cannot give birth to one virtuous work. Only the soul made fertile by God, gives birth to virtuous works. However, the soul, made fertile by the world, either remains barren or produces sin and vice. That is why the Lord speaks to men: "I am married to you", so that the soul of man may know to whom it is betrothed and with whom it is wed in order that it would not stray and by adultery deaden itself and turn itself into ash.
God is a faithful groom of the human soul of men. He never betrays the bride, the soul. His love toward the soul never cools as long as the soul does not turn away from Him and does not commit adultery. But, even then, God does not abandon the soul immediately, but pursues it and returns it from the path of destruction. "Turn O backsliding children" the Lord then speaks to the souls of men. Repent and I will forgive you. Return and I will receive you. Penitents would know to say, how great is the mercy of God. They would be able to confirm how persistent the love of God is toward sinners, even to the last hour. God is faithful in His love and He is not swift to seek vengeance on the adulterous soul. He constantly tries to restore to the adulterous soul, the lost shame of sinning. Shame produces repentance and repentance leads to restoration and restoration leads to original love and fidelity.
O Lord, All-powerful, help us, that from your eternal love our souls may produce the good and abundant fruit.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.
Please note: Daily Troparion, Kontakion, Bible readings and lives of Saints are conveniently available via the free Menologion software.

Irene lived in the Balkans during apostolic times in the town of Magedon. Her father Licinius was of lesser royal nobility. Some think that she was a Slav. Irene was born a pagan of pagan parents. Penelope was her pagan name. She learned about the Christian Faith from her teacher Appelianus. St. Timothy, the disciple of the Apostle Paul, baptized her and her court attendants and provided her with the epistles of the Apostle Paul to read. Refusing to marry, she enraged her father and he wanted to torture her but, in a miraculous manner, she converted her father to Christianity. Irene was subjected to various tortures by four kings, not counting her father but, God through His angels, spared her. King Sedechias buried her up to her neck in a ditch filled with snakes and scorpions but an angel of God made these venomous and repulsive creatures ineffective and saved the holy virgin from harm. King Sedechias then wanted to saw her in half but the saw rebounded from her body as from stone. After that, the same king tied her to a wheel under a water mill and released the flow of water hoping, in this manner, to kill her. But the water refused to flow, rather stood still and the virgin remained alive and well. King Sapor, the son of King Sedechias, shod her feet with nails, loaded a sack of sand on her, harnessed her and ordered that she be led like an animal far outside the town. "Truly, I am a beast before You, O Lord!" said the holy martyr, running bridled behind her torturers. However, an angel of God shook the earth and the earth opened up and swallowed her torturers. Surviving all tortures, by which she converted a countless number of pagans to Christianity, Irene entered the town of Callipolis [Gallipoli] where she preached the Faith of Christ. The local king Numerian wanted to kill her in this manner: he tossed her into three flaming hot metal oxen; one after the other. But the virgin was saved and remained alive. Many witnessed and believed. The Eparch [governor] Vaudon took her to the town of Constantina where he thought to kill her in this manner: he placed her on red-hot grates. But that did not harm St. Irene and she converted many to the True Faith. Finally, Irene arrived in the town of Mesembria where she was slain by King Sapor but God restored her to life. The king, with many of the people, upon witnessing this, believed in Christ and were baptized. Thus, St. Irene, by her suffering and miracles converted over one-hundred thousand pagans to the Faith of Christ. Finally, she lay down in a grave and ordered Appelianus to close the grave. After four days, when they opened the grave, she was not in the grave. Thus, God glorified forever the virgin and martyr Irene, who sacrificed all and endured all so that God may be glorified among men. (*)
(*) Archbishop Philaret in his "Lives of the Saints" thinks that St. Irene was of Serbian descent.
Martin and Heraclius were both Slavs. They were persecuted by the Arian heretics in Illyria. Banished into exile, these two knights of Orthodoxy completed their earthly lives in the fourth century and took up habitation with the Lord.
Penelope, daughter of the king, at the balcony was,
When, in a row, three birds to her quickly flew.
The first a dove, white as milk, with an olive branch,
After that an eagle, in its bony beak, a wreath of flowers
Finally, a raven, with a bitter serpent, swooped and entered.
Penelope, asked the servants, could they recall what this means?
The servants remain silent. No one knows. With amazement, everyone is struck.
We are all mortal men, Appelianus the Elder said:
But harken to me Penelope, harken, beautiful child,
The Spirit of God, through these signs, to you clearly prophesies;
The dove, your serenity signifies, Irene you will be called,
The Grace of God you, the olive branch signifies
The eagle, the conqueror signifies, passions you will conquer,
The flowery wreath, glory and heavenly sweetness signify;
The raven with a serpent, the demon with his maliciousness, that is
But, by our endurance, overcome him, you will.
This, Irene heard all, and in her heart quivered,
And to the saving Faith decided to give herself completely;
What she decided, that she carried out and God helped her.
Through her holy prayers, O God, save even us.
Prayer consisting of words alone does not help if the heart does not participate in prayer. God hears only a fervent prayer. Abba Zoilus of Thebaid was once returning from Mt. Sinai and met a monk who complained to him, that they are suffering much from drought in the monastery. Zoilus said to him: "Why don't you pray and implore God?" The monk replied: "We have prayed and have implored, but there is no rain." To this, Zoilus replied: "It is evident that you are not praying fervently. Do you want to be convinced that it is so?" Having said this, the elder raised his hands to heaven and prayed. Abundant rain fell to the earth. Seeing this, the astonished monk fell to the ground and bowed before the elder, but the elder, fearing the glory of men, quickly fled. The Lord Himself said: "Ask and it will be given you" (St. Luke 11:9). In vain are mouths full of prayer if the heart is empty. God does not stand and listen to the mouth but to the heart. Let the heart be filled with prayer even though the mouth might be silent. God will hear and will receive the prayer. For God only listens to a fervent prayer.
To contemplate the ascended Lord Jesus:
1. How, by His Ascension, He signified the triumphant end of His entire work on earth in the course of some thirty-three years;
2. How, by His Ascension, He teaches us that we should direct all of our aspirations toward heaven and not toward earth.
About the divine marriage of the souls of men
"Turn, O backsliding children says the Lord; for I am married to you" (Jeremiah 3:14).
The soul of man is the bride and the Living and All-powerful God is the bridegroom of the soul of man. His bride, the soul, the Lord clothes in light and nourishes it with His Grace. And the soul, from God the groom, gives birth to good children and many children in the form of many and beautiful virtuous works. The soul, on its own, cannot give birth to one virtuous work. Only the soul made fertile by God, gives birth to virtuous works. However, the soul, made fertile by the world, either remains barren or produces sin and vice. That is why the Lord speaks to men: "I am married to you", so that the soul of man may know to whom it is betrothed and with whom it is wed in order that it would not stray and by adultery deaden itself and turn itself into ash.
God is a faithful groom of the human soul of men. He never betrays the bride, the soul. His love toward the soul never cools as long as the soul does not turn away from Him and does not commit adultery. But, even then, God does not abandon the soul immediately, but pursues it and returns it from the path of destruction. "Turn O backsliding children" the Lord then speaks to the souls of men. Repent and I will forgive you. Return and I will receive you. Penitents would know to say, how great is the mercy of God. They would be able to confirm how persistent the love of God is toward sinners, even to the last hour. God is faithful in His love and He is not swift to seek vengeance on the adulterous soul. He constantly tries to restore to the adulterous soul, the lost shame of sinning. Shame produces repentance and repentance leads to restoration and restoration leads to original love and fidelity.
O Lord, All-powerful, help us, that from your eternal love our souls may produce the good and abundant fruit.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.
Please note: Daily Troparion, Kontakion, Bible readings and lives of Saints are conveniently available via the free Menologion software.
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5. МАЈ (стари) или 18. МАЈ (нови календар)
1. Света великомученица Ирина. Живела у времена апостолска на Балкану, у некоме граду Магедону, где њен отац Ликиније беше малим царем. Неки мисле, да је била Словенкиња. Рођена као незнабошка од родитеља незнабожаца. Пенелопа — тако јој беше име незнабожачко — поучи се вери хришћанској од учитеља јој Апелијана. Свети Тимотеј, ученик апостола Павла, крсти њу и њене дворкиње, и донесе јој посланице апостола Павла на читање. Одрицањем да се уда она разгневи свога оца, и отац је хтеде мучити, али чудесним начином она обрати свога оца у Хришћанство. Још од четири цара, осим њенога оца, стављена на разне муке, но Бог ју преко својих ангела спасаваше. Цар Седекија закопа је до главе у јендек, напуњен змијама и скорпијама. Но ангел Божји умртви отровне гадове и сачува свету девицу неповређену. Тада исти цар покуша да је преструже тестером, но тестера се одбијаше од тела њенога као од камена. По том опет исти цар веза је за точак под воденицом и пусти воду, да је тако умори. Но вода не хтеде тећи него стајаше, и девица оста здрава и жива. Цар Савах, син Седекијин, поткова је ексерима, натовари на њу врећу песка, и заузда је, па нареди те је водише као скота далеко изван града. „Заиста сам као скот пред Тобом, Господе!” говорише света мученица трчећи зауздана за својим мучетељима. Но ангел Божји потресе земљу, и земља се отвори и прогута мучитеље њене. Преживевши све муке, кроз које обрати огроман број незнааабожаца у Хришћанство, Ирина пређе у град Калипољ, где проповедаше веру у Христа. Цар тамошњи Нумеријан хтеде је уморити на тај начин што је бацаше у три усијана метална вола једно за другим. Но девица би спасена и остаде жива. И многи видеше и вероваше. Епарх Ваводин одведе је у град Константину, где је умисли убити на тај начин, што је стави на усијане решетке. Но то не нашкоди светој Ирини, а многе приведе правој вери. Најзад дође Ирина у град Месемврију, где је умртви цар Саворије, но Бог је оживе. А цар са многим народом видећи то, поверова у Христа и крсти се. И тако света Ирина својим страдањем ичудесима приведе у веру Христову преко 100.000 незнабожаца. Најзад сама леже у гроб и нареди Апелијану да гроб затвори. После четири дана, кад гроб отворише, ње не беше у гробу. Тако прослави Бог за навек девицу и мученицу Ирину, која све жртвова и све претрпе, да се Бог што више прослави међу људима. (Архиепископ Филарет мисли, да је света Ирина била српског порекла. Види „Жития святыхъ.“)
2. Свети Мартин и Ираклије.Словени. Беху гоњени од јеретика, аријеваца, у Илирији. Послани у изгнанство овивитези Православља скончаше земни живот у ИВ столећу, ипреселише се ка Господу.
Пенелопа кћи царева на чардаку беше,
Кад јој тице, три по реду, хитро долетеше.
Прво голуб, бел ко млеко, с маслиновом граном,
По том ор’о с венцем цветним у кљуну кошчаном,
Најзад гавран с гујом љутом слете и улете.
Пенелопа слуге пита, могу л’ да се сете?
Слуге ћуте. Нико не зна. Свак се чудом чуди.
Апелијан старац рече: сви смо смртни људи,
Но чуј мене, Пенелопо, чуј ме чедо красно,
Дух Божији кроз те знаке прориче ти јасно:
Голуб значи тихост твоју, зваћеш се Ирина,
Благодат на теби Божју — то значи маслина.
Ор’о значи победника, — победићеш страсти,
Венац цветни значи славу и небеске сласти;
Гавран с гујом то је демон с пакостима својим,
Но ти ћеш га победити терпјенијем твојим. —
То Ирина све саслуша, срцем устрепери,
И реши се сва се дати спасоносној вери;
Што решила, то свршила, и Бог јој поможе.
Молитвама њеним светим спаси и нас, Боже.
Не помаже молитва речима, ако срце не участвује у молитви. Само усрдну молитву слуша Бог. Авва Ксој Тивејски враћао се једанпут са Синајске горе, па сретне монаха који му се пожали, како у манастиру много страдају од суше. Рекне му Ксој: зашто се не молите и не просите од Бога? Одговори монах: и молимо се и просимо, но кише нема. На то ће Ксој: очигледно, ви се не молите усрдно. Хоћеш ли да се увериш, да је то тако? И рекавши то уздиже старац руке к небу и помоли се. И киша обилата спусти се на земљу. Видевши ово удивљени монах падне на земљу пред старцем и поклони му се, но старац бојећи се славе људске хитно побегне од њега. — Просите и даће вам се, рекао је сам Господ. Но залуд су уста пуна молитве, ако је срце празно: Бог не стоји и не слуша на устима него у срцу. Нека се срце испуни молитвом, ма уста и ћутала. Бог ће молитву чути и примити. Јер само усрдну молитву слуша Бог.
Да созерцавам вазнесеног Господа Исуса, и то:
1. како Својим вазнесењем Он означава победни свршетак целокупног деловања Свог на земљи у току неких 33 године;
2. како Својим вазнесењем Он учи нас, да к небу, а не к земљи, управљамо сва стремљења своја.
о божанском браку душе људске
Обратите се, синови одметници, вели Господ, јер сам ја муж ваш (Књига пророка Јеремије 3, 14)
Душа је људска невеста, а Господ живи и свесилни муж је душе људске. Своју невесту, душу, Господ одева у сјај и храни је благодаћу Својом. А душа од Бога мужа рађа добру децу, и децу многу, у виду многих и красних добродетељи. Ниједну добродетељ не може душа сама од себе родити. Само оплођена Богом душа рађа добродетељи. Оплођена пак светом душа или остаје јалова или рађа грех и порок. Зато Господ и говори људима: ја сам муж ваш. Да би душа људска знала, за кога је обручена, и с ким је венчана, те да не би лутала и прељубом себе умртвљавала и у пепео претварала!
Бог је веран муж душе људске. Он никад невесту душу не изневерава. Његова љубав према души никад не хладни све док душа не окрене се од Бога и не учини прељубу. Но и тада Бог не напушта душу од једанпут, но иде за њом и враћа је с пута погибељи. Обратите се, говори тада Господ душама људским. Покајте се, и опростићу вам. Обратите се, и примићу вас. Покајници би знали рећи, колика је милост Божја. Они би могли потврдити, како је истрајна љубав Божја и према грешницима све до последњег часа. Бог је веран у љубави Својој, и није брз на освету души прељубници. Он се стара непрестано да поврати души прељубној изгубљени стид. А стид рађа покајање, а покајање води обновљењу, а обновљење води првобитној љубави и верности.
О Господе свесилни, помози нам, да од Твоје вечне љубави душе наше роде род добар и изобилан. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.
2. Свети Мартин и Ираклије.Словени. Беху гоњени од јеретика, аријеваца, у Илирији. Послани у изгнанство овивитези Православља скончаше земни живот у ИВ столећу, ипреселише се ка Господу.
Пенелопа кћи царева на чардаку беше,
Кад јој тице, три по реду, хитро долетеше.
Прво голуб, бел ко млеко, с маслиновом граном,
По том ор’о с венцем цветним у кљуну кошчаном,
Најзад гавран с гујом љутом слете и улете.
Пенелопа слуге пита, могу л’ да се сете?
Слуге ћуте. Нико не зна. Свак се чудом чуди.
Апелијан старац рече: сви смо смртни људи,
Но чуј мене, Пенелопо, чуј ме чедо красно,
Дух Божији кроз те знаке прориче ти јасно:
Голуб значи тихост твоју, зваћеш се Ирина,
Благодат на теби Божју — то значи маслина.
Ор’о значи победника, — победићеш страсти,
Венац цветни значи славу и небеске сласти;
Гавран с гујом то је демон с пакостима својим,
Но ти ћеш га победити терпјенијем твојим. —
То Ирина све саслуша, срцем устрепери,
И реши се сва се дати спасоносној вери;
Што решила, то свршила, и Бог јој поможе.
Молитвама њеним светим спаси и нас, Боже.
Не помаже молитва речима, ако срце не участвује у молитви. Само усрдну молитву слуша Бог. Авва Ксој Тивејски враћао се једанпут са Синајске горе, па сретне монаха који му се пожали, како у манастиру много страдају од суше. Рекне му Ксој: зашто се не молите и не просите од Бога? Одговори монах: и молимо се и просимо, но кише нема. На то ће Ксој: очигледно, ви се не молите усрдно. Хоћеш ли да се увериш, да је то тако? И рекавши то уздиже старац руке к небу и помоли се. И киша обилата спусти се на земљу. Видевши ово удивљени монах падне на земљу пред старцем и поклони му се, но старац бојећи се славе људске хитно побегне од њега. — Просите и даће вам се, рекао је сам Господ. Но залуд су уста пуна молитве, ако је срце празно: Бог не стоји и не слуша на устима него у срцу. Нека се срце испуни молитвом, ма уста и ћутала. Бог ће молитву чути и примити. Јер само усрдну молитву слуша Бог.
Да созерцавам вазнесеног Господа Исуса, и то:
1. како Својим вазнесењем Он означава победни свршетак целокупног деловања Свог на земљи у току неких 33 године;
2. како Својим вазнесењем Он учи нас, да к небу, а не к земљи, управљамо сва стремљења своја.
о божанском браку душе људске
Обратите се, синови одметници, вели Господ, јер сам ја муж ваш (Књига пророка Јеремије 3, 14)
Душа је људска невеста, а Господ живи и свесилни муж је душе људске. Своју невесту, душу, Господ одева у сјај и храни је благодаћу Својом. А душа од Бога мужа рађа добру децу, и децу многу, у виду многих и красних добродетељи. Ниједну добродетељ не може душа сама од себе родити. Само оплођена Богом душа рађа добродетељи. Оплођена пак светом душа или остаје јалова или рађа грех и порок. Зато Господ и говори људима: ја сам муж ваш. Да би душа људска знала, за кога је обручена, и с ким је венчана, те да не би лутала и прељубом себе умртвљавала и у пепео претварала!
Бог је веран муж душе људске. Он никад невесту душу не изневерава. Његова љубав према души никад не хладни све док душа не окрене се од Бога и не учини прељубу. Но и тада Бог не напушта душу од једанпут, но иде за њом и враћа је с пута погибељи. Обратите се, говори тада Господ душама људским. Покајте се, и опростићу вам. Обратите се, и примићу вас. Покајници би знали рећи, колика је милост Божја. Они би могли потврдити, како је истрајна љубав Божја и према грешницима све до последњег часа. Бог је веран у љубави Својој, и није брз на освету души прељубници. Он се стара непрестано да поврати души прељубној изгубљени стид. А стид рађа покајање, а покајање води обновљењу, а обновљење води првобитној љубави и верности.
О Господе свесилни, помози нам, да од Твоје вечне љубави душе наше роде род добар и изобилан. Теби слава и хвала вавек. Амин.